my sister cant get an invite despite being invited 8 times


New member
copying from my other thread:

PLEASE move this if this is not in the appropriate forum. I do not know where to post this based on what is available on this site.

Hi, my steam account is:

I have a deadlock invite. it works. it worked on the first pass for me. I have an old steam account.

I got this game to play with my sister.

her account is as follows:

no less than -8- people have invited her to the pre-play, and she will play this game more than I will. I want to play it with her. I also invited her.

what is going on here, can you fix it? why is her account not allowed to test this game. I sent two other invites ( I wont send more) and both have managed to play.

please help me understand, or send her a manual invite or SOMETHING please.

thank you.