Mutt (Tank) - Beast dog on all 4s


New member
A dog like beast without a tail on all fours that is a medium ranged tank.
Slow moving with high health. Is focused more on support damage, not solo.

Left click: Claws the air in front of them which shoots claw shaped projections.

Ability 1. Pounce: Jumps up and onto the enemy, deals damage and jumps back. Multidirectional depending on the movement key which is pressed.
Ability 2: Snare: Knockback enemies to medium distance (Can be used in combination with Pounce, first knockback and then pounce to get in perfect range)
Ability 3: Damage dash: Charges up and then dashes super fast tearing enemies in its way. Hits and moves ahead, doesn't hold onto an enemy in way of the dash. ( Can be used in combination with Pounce where after the dash you can pounce back to medium range)
Ultimate: Stands up on 2 legs and unleashes a fury of close range swipes for 10 seconds dealing damage to anything in its 120 degree field of view.