Mouse cursor position determined incorrectly after changing resolution


New member
Mouse position is incorrect and determind only in certain area vertical area considering left part of the main menu. The problem is fixed when you restart the game. I've also attached my settings screenshot where you can see which exactly resolution worked wrong. I can provide PC specs as well if it's needed.


I have the same issue! When I initially started playing the game, I was at 3840x2160 in Fullscreen. I then changed my settings to 2560x1440, and when the resolution applied, I noticed that every button in the game suddenly was either unhittable (if it was more towards the bottom of the screen) or I had to go Down and Right of where the button would be, and eventually be able to hit it. Very odd. Has anyone else experienced this?
I have this same issue and I am commenting to bump. I can't tab out of the game without having to do a full restart
Bump, just had this issue. I was always using external monitor but was on the move and switched to my laptop internal screen, which has different aspect ratio and resolution. I couldn't move my mouse up and when it did, it locked in the same position until i did a very long move with a mouse. I think this is very important to fix, becasue not only people try different resolutions to match their settings, but also like me, switch between laptop and external screen.
Bump, just had this issue. I was always using external monitor but was on the move and switched to my laptop internal screen, which has different aspect ratio and resolution. I couldn't move my mouse up and when it did, it locked in the same position until i did a very long move with a mouse. I think this is very important to fix, becasue not only people try different resolutions to match their settings, but also like me, switch between laptop and external screen.
I thought the may have fixed this with the recent "2 monitors" patch note - but I definately still have this problem - replicated it on a 1 monitor setup
Also I just wanted to add - on my end this problem happens about 90% of the time when I tab out of the game from fullscreen and go back into it.