More Imbuing Items


New member
Imbuing items is by far my favorite kind of item, and I would love to see more of them to round out some of the unfilled design niches. The problem with adding more though is that basically almost every statline is already filled by some sort of imbue item, so I think it could be really interesting if multiple items can be built out of the same component, essentially allowing you to pick a "path" for your upgraded item. Some ideas for this below:

Pact of Time - Spirit (3000, builds out of Improved Cooldown)
+45% Imbued Ability Cooldown Reduction (This is a +13% difference from Superior Cooldown)
+24% Non-Imbued Ability Cooldown Reduction
Passive: Your imbued ability permanently loses Spirit Power.
Spirit Power Loss: 38

Pact of Eternity - Spirit (3000, builds out of Improved Duration)
+50% Imbued Ability Duration (This is a +17% difference from Superior Duration)
+24% Non-Imbued Ability Duration
+100 Spirit Shield Health
Passive: Your imbued ability permanently gains increased Cooldown
Cooldown Increase: 15%

I also think it would be interesting to give some imbued items to weapon and vitality item pools to round out spellcasting hybrid builds there that are more weapon/tank favored.

Spiritual Resilience - Vitality (3000)
+500 Health
+15% Spirit Armor
+5 Spirit Power
Passive: Imbue an ability. The ability gains more spirit power the lower health you are. Maxes out at 30% health.
Spirit Power: 10 - 40

Transmuted Rounds - Weapon (6300)
+25% Weapon Damage
+25% Fire Rate
+10% Slide Distance
Passive: Imbue an ability to grant +25% bonus ammo until your next reload for each hero affected by this ability. Maximum 6 affected heroes. (15 second Cooldown)

Side Tangent: Quicksilver Reload (Why is this item in Spirit?? It would make more sense if it was in Weapon)
It's just such a gun focused item. Basically the only hero that would want the bonus spirit power from the category passive over weapon damage is Infernus.