McGinnis Grab Bag of Ideas


  • Tier 3 turrets, standard upgrade + cloaked while not firing and doesn't expire unless a new turret is made (maybe put the doesn't expire on 2nd upgrade). This allows for the turrets to actually be useful instead of just for quicksilver reload and bait for towers. I'm imagining this being used for information on the map. If not cloaked at least unlimited up time as if they're wards.
  • Change the behavior of the wall of instead of a static sized wall piece being placed, the wall is created top down to the ground. So if the piece is place on a lane bridge it extends to the ground. And clean up weird interactions with it being stopped in the corner of a wall and not producing the other wall pieces.
  • This one I think should be very careful with: remove or lessen the minimum distance of creating a wall. If there's no minimum distance it would increase the survivability of McGinnis drastically. I still think it should be less than what it is now though (roughly 8 meters).
  • Be able to shoot while placing a wall that way it's not telegraphed and you don't lose your weapon spin up.
  • During lane phase make a turret kill not split 50/50 instead all of the value is in the last hit soul. This makes it to where you're not punished for using turrets during lane phase.
  • At some point in leveling make the spin up time faster. Even if it's marginal.
  • If McGinnis uses Medicinal Specter near an ally always use the voice line "throwin' down a heal" to ensure the ally knows that heals them. There's been a lot of times where the ally ignores it during lane phase.
  • The first 1 to 3 bullets should be 100% precise and accurate on the crosshair to help with last hits instead of having to continue firing to deny an enemy with a shotgun or getting lucky that the bullet isn't far left/right.
please don't buff this monster
I disagree with calling McGinnis a monster she clearly has many weaknesses. She has no movement abilities, starts with 2 stamina, her ult is basically useless most of the time, turrets give souls, most of the time she has to commit to fights and the large DPS numbers don't account for the 2 second spin up time.

I can agree some of the things I said above may be too drastic but the biggest things I want to see is: make turrets useful in the mid-late to late game, make the wall more dependable and don't be so punished for using turrets in the laning phase. Imagine any other character giving souls to the other team for using their abilities during laning phase. She's good at killing towers and usually winning DPS races given a 1v1 fight. That's about it. Before the nerfs I would've just said Ivy and Shiv for the 'monsters' of Deadlock; definitely not McGinnis.
Yeah I agree with Onions, McGinnis is such a fun character idea, but it feels like I'm holding the team back by playing her when I could be someone who's strong at every stage of the game like Bebop or Kelvin who are so over tuned.
I disagree with calling McGinnis a monster she clearly has many weaknesses. She has no movement abilities, starts with 2 stamina, her ult is basically useless most of the time, turrets give souls, most of the time she has to commit to fights and the large DPS numbers don't account for the 2 second spin up time.

I can agree some of the things I said above may be too drastic but the biggest things I want to see is: make turrets useful in the mid-late to late game, make the wall more dependable and don't be so punished for using turrets in the laning phase. Imagine any other character giving souls to the other team for using their abilities during laning phase. She's good at killing towers and usually winning DPS races given a 1v1 fight. That's about it. Before the nerfs I would've just said Ivy and Shiv for the 'monsters' of Deadlock; definitely not McGinnis.
If you think turrets aren't useful in mid-late game then you're probably not building properly for using them or positioning poorly with them. My experience is the opposite, McGinnis peaks mid and late with the right build. In my experience, you have to decide if you're focusing gun or turrets because trying to do both before late game results in both being just mediocre. Big turret build examples:
If you think turrets aren't useful in mid-late game then you're probably not building properly for using them or positioning poorly with them. My experience is the opposite, McGinnis peaks mid and late with the right build. In my experience, you have to decide if you're focusing gun or turrets because trying to do both before late game results in both being just mediocre. Big turret build examples:
Thanks for the data. I've always done gun mcginnis and she's my main character. I 've peaked 1800 elo according to deadlocktracker with her and 2012 on the other one. I never tried big turret mcginnis because I asssumed it was bad. There's some good damage numbers with it but it doesn't change the fact that you have to build so far into turrents/ult that your gun and survivability is nil. IMO turrents are just bad to build into but I haven't commited a game to it yet so maybe I'm talking out of my butt. FYI, I'm not mentioning my elo because I'm bragging but to give a perspective where my experience level is. I think I have 250 games on her.
Thanks for the data. I've always done gun mcginnis and she's my main character. I 've peaked 1800 elo according to deadlocktracker with her and 2012 on the other one. I never tried big turret mcginnis because I asssumed it was bad. There's some good damage numbers with it but it doesn't change the fact that you have to build so far into turrents/ult that your gun and survivability is nil. IMO turrents are just bad to build into but I haven't commited a game to it yet so maybe I'm talking out of my butt. FYI, I'm not mentioning my elo because I'm bragging but to give a perspective where my experience level is. I think I have 250 games on her.
Au contraire, survivability is huge with turret build because you have to stack vitality to make them viable. I usually have top or near top healing in my matches because I stack lifesteal and healing. If you buy spirit lifesteal then turrets give proxy lifesteal to McGinnis every time they shoot, so you can survive a long time in fights by kiting around your heal pod and turrets until you build the net worth to man up and shoot.

I assume you're this onions:
So you know I'm not full of shit we have basically the same winrate and farm rate on McGinnis but I have nearly twice your KDA, half as many matches so not as much rank on the stats sites yet:

My build is published in the game client as follows if you'd like to try it out:


A couple healing examples:
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Au contraire, survivability is huge with turret build because you have to stack vitality to make them viable. I usually have top or near top healing in my matches because I stack lifesteal and healing. If you buy spirit lifesteal then turrets give proxy lifesteal to McGinnis every time they shoot, so you can survive a long time in fights by kiting around your heal pod and turrets until you build the net worth to man up and shoot.

I assume you're this onions:
So you know I'm not full of shit we have basically the same winrate and farm rate on McGinnis but I have nearly twice your KDA, half as many matches so not as much rank on the stats sites yet:

My build is published in the game client as follows if you'd like to try it out:

View attachment 15930

A couple healing examples:
Alright I'll give it a shot, thanks for the info and reply!