Make Improved Cooldown build into Diviner's Kevlar


New member
I had this idea about the power of both diviner's kevlar and superior cooldown. Those items are often bought together on builds trying to spam their ults and the combined cooldown reduction allows ultimates to be up too frequently. It fundamentally harms one of the more fun macro elements of the game: ult tracking. It doesn't really matter if lash ult or pocket ult go down if there's only a 50 second window to punish it. Pocket is especially egregious because his cooldown starts ticking down when the ultimate is cast and not at the end of the effect.

By making improved cooldown build into diviner's kevlar and removing superior cooldown. You can eliminate the most popular source of stacking cooldown reduction and you can still allow other builds to get a source of cooldown reduction with relatively low investment. I suspect you'd also need to nerf improved cooldown in this patch because otherwise it will slot into every build.

Diviner's kevlar would probably need to inherit some of improved cooldown's miscellaneous stats like increased health and/or ammo to compensate.
Agree with the idea of hating ult spam but shouldn't it build into refresher instead? Just make it a three tier like the bonus spirit items and have it go improved cd -> Superior cd -> refresher. Diviner's is more of an armor thing rather than cooldown, and just makes ult spam better as a luxury.
This would help make refresher way harder to rush on non-cd reducing build.
I'll say it here as I've said it elsewhere, I think CDR should have a hardcap that depends on the ability with Ults generally having a very low cap and normal abilities having a high cap.

That said, having most of the Higher tier CDR items build from the same base item is also a valid way to restrict CDR. If Refresher, Superior CD, and Diviner's Kevlar all built from Improved CD it would substantially cut down on the amount of CDR you can get.