Looter [Tier I Spirit] - Crates yield more souls.


New member

Tier 1 Spirit Item
Cost: 500

  • +0.5 m/s Sprint Speed
  • 1 Health Regen
  • 4 Spirit Power
Passive: Crates yield 15% more souls (urns not included). Souls gained by breaking crates become secured souls immediately after being picked up.

The idea is to reward breaking crates by not buffing RNG but by buffing the souls gained from being lucky. Urn buffs are kinda broken so this only applies to crates. As for the secured souls bit it kinda removes the entire unsecured souls mechanic but that can be tweaked to convert unsecured souls into secured souls faster.
This would become a mandatory item for anyone in the game. Increasing souls gained is not a good idea, since the item will always pay itself quickly.
Also breaking crates etc already secures the souls in it, so that would be pointless.
Nah dude, bad. Tier 1 AND crates now gives more than creep or small to mid camp. not gonna happen, also crates are literally rng. This isnt healthy and not good any way possible