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An idea I had that I just had to get on paper for an "inverse McGinnis". That is to say, a character who uses a machine gun that ramps up accuracy over time, rather than blooming out, a la the Negev from CS:GO. The idea was something that would fit into the niche of a low mobility "squad support character" who'd be able to set up in a position with overwatch, and zone out a fight from their machine gun nest.

Since it came out to be a pretty cut-and-dry soldier I made the lore fit with Fairfax Industries' paramilitary branch + being a dead guy serving against his will, and since he's undead I thought it'd be cool to have a character constructed with the same candle/torcher/brazier theme of the guardians. I also made him midwestern, because I dunno if there's any midwestern characters in the game yet, and it made sense to me that a tired, undead soldier pulled from eternal rest would be a "good old boy" out of a midwestern state. I imagine he would strongly dislike Pocket and McGinnis, and perhaps would feel an unreciprocated connection to Seven since they're both skeletons.

Fusillade would be a slow 2-stamina character who thrives at range, where he can safely disrupt fights and isolate distant targets by ramping up his gun's accuracy. Polter-nade allows him to throw explosives from far off which seek targets automatically, without having to disrupt his gunplay. Close-Quarters Drill is committal, but provides a very limited movement option that lets him create space and safety if he's being rushed down. Suppressing Fire allows Fusillade to debilitate the enemy frontline in limited bursts, providing great teamfight potential for his team during the duration. His Ultimate ability, Soul Ray, initiates or finishes fights, and lets him punish tightly grouped enemies or deal a large burst of damage to high priority targets.

Health: 550 (+40 per Boon)
Stamina: 2
Health Regen: 2 per second
Move Speed: 6.1 m/s

Weapon: Heavy Rain
Starts with a lot of bloom but focuses into an extremely tight cone over 3 seconds of sustained fire.
DPS: 72
Bullet Damage: 9 (+0.44 per Boon)
Bullets Per Second: 8
Ammo: 55 + (0.5 x Spirit Power)
Bullet Velocity: 600 m/s
Reload time: 3.2 seconds
Falloff Range: 20m-55m
Light Melee: 63 (+2.67 per Boon)
Heavy Melee 120 (+4.95 per Boon)

1. Polter-Nade "Seek and destroy, Doncha know?"
Throw a possessed grenade. The poltergeist within guides the grenade, and it bounces towards enemy players within range. Enemies caught in the blast are covered in ectoplasm, amping Fusillade's damage against them.
If a grenade uses up all of its bounces without getting close enough to an enemy to detonate, it detonates upon touching any surface.

Cooldown: 30 seconds
Damage: 80 + (0.9 x Spirit Power)
Detonation Trigger Radius: 3 meters
Detonation Area: 8 meters
Number of Bounces: 3
Debuff Amp: +8% damage
Debuff Duration: 5 seconds

T1: +60 Damage
T2: +2m Trigger Radius, +2m Detonation Radius
T3: +4 Bounces, debuff amp + 8%

2. Close-Quarters Drill - "URAH! Learned that one in Ixia!"
Dash forward. If you connect with an enemy during the dash, grab them, and throw them in a chosen direction at a shallow angle, dealing heavy melee damage and slowing.
Deal heavy melee damage to any enemies hit by the thrown enemy.

Cooldown: 24 seconds
Dash Distance: 6 meters
Slow: 30%
Slow duration 3 seconds

T1. +3m Dash Distance
T2. Successfully grabbing an enemy player now grants +200 bullet shield and +150 spirit shield for 10 seconds
T3. +60 damage, Enemies struck by the thrown enemy are stunned for 0.7 seconds

3. Suppressing Fire "Keep yer heads down if ya wanna live, ya stinkin' animals!"
Engage targeting, increasing weapon falloff range and decreasing move speed. Enemies within the impact radius of your bullets are slowed, and have their outgoing damage reduced.

Cooldown: 40 seconds
Duration: 8 seconds
Weapon falloff range while active: +30%
Move speed while active: -40%
Bullet Impact Radius: 10 meters
Movement Slow: 20%
Outgoing Damage Reduction: 15%

T1. Duration +4 seconds
T2. Bullet Impact Radius +2 Meters, Outgoing Damage Reduction +5%
T3. Effect now also reduces dash distance by 30%

4. Soul Ray "Hoo-ah. This, is a gun."
Charge up your hand cannon and unleash a fast-moving projectile that detonates on impact with an enemy or a surface. Damage falls off based on distance from the epicenter. The explosion generates multiple lost souls that linger around the area of detonation. Lost souls pursue and damage nearby targets.

Cooldown: 150 seconds
Channel Time: 5 seconds
Damage at Epicenter: 200 + (2.5 x Spirit Power)
Maximum damage falloff: 50%
Lost Souls Spawned: 6
Lost Soul Damage: 120 + (0.5 x Spirit Power)
Lost Soul Duration: 20 seconds
Lost Soul Chase Radius: 12 meters

T1. Cooldown -30 seconds
T2. +4 Lost Souls generated, Lost Soul Chase Radius +3 meters
T3. Damage +100

I hope I've designed a kit that would be conducive to a wide variety of playstyles based on how it was built. Tell me what you think! Making character concepts like this is an extremely fun creative process. If you're reading this and you haven't, try making one!
The concepts are pretty cool, and the concept reminds me a lot of a hero in another moba, Vainglory, called SAW.

Some suggestions: His 2 shouldn't deal Heavy Melee damage by default. This ability gives him a burst of movement speed and forces his foes away from him (more or less where he wants them) so Heavy Melee damage is very high and scales very well. Consider that people complain all the time about Calico's Leaping Slash, and that only does light melee damage+ spirit scaling.

His ultimate also takes an excessively long time to wind up. 5 seconds can be the entire duration of a fight, if players are lining up their abilities right. Since he has no hard disables, that would make this impossible to fire off if he has to sit and channel the ability to make it work. Even Warden's Ult doesn't have that long of a Wind up.

Also, does his 1 just bounce a set distance in front of him? Most grenades are lobbed and land at a particular spot. Based on the number of bounces this has, I'm inclined to think this just throws down immediately in front of him, meaning that this is thrown out a bit more like a bouncing bowling ball rather than a standard grenade. You should clarify that in the ability description, if it works like I think it would or if it works like a more normal grenade.
The concepts are pretty cool, and the concept reminds me a lot of a hero in another moba, Vainglory, called SAW.

Some suggestions: His 2 shouldn't deal Heavy Melee damage by default. This ability gives him a burst of movement speed and forces his foes away from him (more or less where he wants them) so Heavy Melee damage is very high and scales very well. Consider that people complain all the time about Calico's Leaping Slash, and that only does light melee damage+ spirit scaling.

His ultimate also takes an excessively long time to wind up. 5 seconds can be the entire duration of a fight, if players are lining up their abilities right. Since he has no hard disables, that would make this impossible to fire off if he has to sit and channel the ability to make it work. Even Warden's Ult doesn't have that long of a Wind up.

Also, does his 1 just bounce a set distance in front of him? Most grenades are lobbed and land at a particular spot. Based on the number of bounces this has, I'm inclined to think this just throws down immediately in front of him, meaning that this is thrown out a bit more like a bouncing bowling ball rather than a standard grenade. You should clarify that in the ability description, if it works like I think it would or if it works like a more normal grenade.
Never heard of or played Vainglory until right now, but a character named "SAW" who uses a squad automatic weapon is very on point.

Yeah, you could probably just make 2 scale with some amount of spirit instead, or deal light melee damage. My rationale was more that it's got a long-ish cooldown and it's short, so it's a trade-off. I also felt that if I gave him spirit ammo scaling, I shouldn't give 2 spirit scaling as a tradeoff, but that's probably an unfounded worry.

Giving the ult a long wind up was honestly more of an aura decision, because I thought it would look cool if he aimed, braced, and then had a Dragonball-esque chargeup before launching the mini-nuke. Probably should be shorter, but it ought to be an ability that demands setup and forethought to get good value. Too short a windup and you could just quick-draw someone with a Davy Crockett, which is funny in a different way but probably not good game design.

Have you ever played Ratchet and clank? There was a weapon in those games called the Bouncer that launched sea-mine looking bombs that just bounced like 7-8 times towards the closest enemy in line of sight. My thought is it would be something like that: You toss the grenade, and it bounces forward until it sees an enemy in line of sight, after which it'll aim towards them after each bounce. The initial lob and point of impact would be the only part you actually aimed, after bouncing once it would just be on it's way to the closest enemy it sees. If an enemy was behind cover, you could toss the grenade behind them, and it would bounce back towards you and into their backs. If an enemy was at their walker around a corner, you could toss it, and it would bounce until it rounded the corner, whereupon the next bounce would have it divert towards the enemy automatically.
I have played Ratchet and Clank, but I think the Bouncer weapon mostly only works in a single player game. Making a bomb that you constantly have to dodge that does solid damage and applies damage amp is... really strong. Either the throw distance needs to be short, or the bounce distance needs to be short to offset the strength of having an ability that basically can't miss.
Probably would be a good idea to give it a maximum turn radius of like 30 degrees in either direction per bounce, so it can "course correct" if you throw it from far off but it's still easy to juke if you see it coming.