Lizard Man


Lizard Man: a rough around the edges aristocrat in NYC who has obtained power through questionable means.
playstyle - hit and run

Main Attack
silenced Uzi - quiet, lower damage, high fire rate, fast reload

wall climb - can climb any wall at will, moving up or down - can cast abilities and shoot while on wall, but cannot move and shoot/cast abilities at the same time while on wall.

Skill 1
poison dagger - throw a dagger at a target that does dot damage
  1. cool down reduction
  2. poison duration increase
  3. poison damage increase
Skill 2
acid spray - shoots a jet stream of poison goo that stays on the ground after landing - it poisons targets it touches for a short duration, causing ticking damage and interruptions. Increases run and slide speed for user.
  1. speed increase for user, speed decrease for target
  2. range increase
  3. longer dot duration
Skill 3
pounce, low to mid-range leap forward, you knock down enemy and stay on top of them quickly scratching at them
  1. scratches for longer duration
  2. generates acid barrier while scratching - absorbs/incinerates some incoming damage
  3. now takes jump height into consideration for increased burst damage on initial dps
apex predator - become permanently invis other than when attacking - dont attack or get hit for 7 sec to return to invis
  1. regen health while invis
  2. move speed increase while invis
  3. no cooldown for re entering invis
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