
Mr. Cheevus

New member
T2 Green Item named Lineman (after the profession)
-damage does not cause you to fall off of Sky Rails
-passive (30s)
You can grapple a Sky Rail while taking damage.

Goal: The game is often dominated by movement speed unga bunga blobs that roam and many traditional aspects of MOBAs that keep this in check, like limited weapon range, a slower mobility, or big self-slows when casting or using in-hand weapons, are not that significant in Deadlock. There really isn't a way to counter movement speed stacking without essentially buying it yourself. Lineman would make managing lanes more important, it would counter move speed spam to a certain extent, and at the same time it would still allow for ganking. You'd still be able to catch someone out in jungle or someone who has pushed past their lane.

Potential Problems:
Long-range characters just camp under sky rails.
-The cooldown on the passive element prevents spamming grapple on the Sky Rail. You can still CC someone off of it. There are enough area control mechanics in the game that punish camping which would set you back if you literally stood under Sky Rail the whole game. Roaming, jungling, rotating all require you to abandon the Sky Rail which creates plenty of opportunities.

This is just a free get out of jail free card.
-You have to reach your Sky Rail which limits the effectiveness. The passive has a long cooldown. Furthermore you can still take damage, just taking damage doesn't knock you off of the Sky Rail. You will still die if you are one-shot and being chased. Finally, you can CC someone off of the Sky Rail.

This is just a cheaper Magic Carpet
-This item grants no vertical mobility and only has a use under Sky Rails. While Magic Carpet offers another possible way to counter the unga bunga, it has many other uses and is a T4 item. Furthermore, Lineman is unique in that it essentially counters movement speed stacking without granting it.