Lifesteal does not work correctly against NPCs


New member
The percentage of lifesteal from bullets on neutrals varies depending on whether you shoot at the crit zone or the body. In the crit zone it can be about 75%, while in the body - only 50%. Lifesteal from abilities can be tied to the ability itself, or it may not be, and I did not want to check each one to find some rule.

For example, and what initially prompted me to make a bug report, Infuser against creeps gives not 20%, but about 7%, which makes this item completely inadequate for healing at the laning stage. Which is unfair, because even 20% of the Wraith card for 180 damage to two creeps could give 72 hp once in 35 seconds, but at the cost of giving up the ability to damage the enemy hero and put pressure on them. This is equivalent to a passive regen of 2 HP per second, and despite the fact that in theory it is easy to hit two creeps with one card, in practice it is not always possible even without taking into account the enemy's actions.

Is a full heal from a lifesteal on an NPC so much that it breaks the balance of the game? I insist that it is not, and that it can be an element of strategy that makes the game deeper.

If this is a bug, then I hope for a fix. If not, then it is better to change the behavior of lifesteal for items that have cooldowns. That is, you can divide items into those that give a constant percentage of lifesteal, and for them there will be a rule of a reduced percentage on NPCs, and for items with cooldowns let there be a full percentage. For items like Melee Lifesteal, there may be exceptions due to their special mechanics.