Less of a Hero idea and more of "lore" fix for Wrecker.


New member
One look at Wrecker and I think "Space guy, in my Spellpunk New York? Nah."
I do however, love his old kit, especially astral walk.
My Idea, make him an American Wendigo, like, full on invisible feet, bloody hands and antlers.
It fits his kit perfectly,
1 He throws a snowball instead of rock, done. (If ya wanna go fancy fancy animations, he tears of his antlers and throws them, they regrow when his 1 is of cd)
2 He eats people, done. (I'd do a howl or growl thing, and have him able to shoot while fighting Lady Geist 2 style)
3 He spits out their remains, done.
4 Astral Walk is the howling run or Mad Dash or whatever, just give him run animation while he flies through the air and a bloody splat when he lands. Done.


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