Hello everyone I am 32 years old, at the moment I have about 1000 hours of Deadlocking, I have a great background in many games. Example, LoL, Dota, CS, Apex Legends, TF2, Overwatch, etc.
I am happy that I am taking part in the beta test of Dedlock and writing this detailed opinion in the hope of influencing the future, absolutely, of the best multiplayer game created by mankind. Dedlock is something.
My favorite hero Bebop, and I'm serious about being one of the best players in the world on this boy. It's a lot of fun to play it, but some things are frustrating. I will describe in detail my experience regarding this hero and here I will write my other suggestions for the game. I hope you don't mind that I'm writing everything in one topic, and not spreading different suggestions on separate branches.
So, to the point. Let's go through all the aspects of the hero.
1. Auto attack. Many people think that the Bebop laser is something strong and it perfectly finishes off creeps, but this is absolutely not the case. When you click the left mouse button, you have a long delay before the attack, which prevents you from finishing off creeps in this way. To effectively finish off creeps you must hold down the right mouse button and this changes your POV due to which you cannot see what your enemy is doing and cannot dodge his abilities.This is incredibly disruptive on the line. And that's okay. This is a feature of the hero. Its intentional complication due to other strengths. Yes? But there aren't any. You can't finish off creeps as effectively as any other hero with a shotgun or any other weapon. You should always press the right mouse button in advance. You don't have a return, but let's be honest. No one has it in the game. And you have a laser, which means a fast rate of fire, right? No! Bebop's bullets fly as slowly as any other hero's. And this is also not an advantage. And the saddest thing is. Bebop is the only one with a limited range. You literally have a wall in the path of the laser. It's weird and it gets in the way a lot.
Maybe we're having such a bad time with the auto attack because this hero is something like a "magician." He has very strong abilities and therefore he must suffer from weaknesses in attacking with his hand. But that's not the case either. Let's take a look at his abilities.
2. Uppercut. The first skill and it is beautiful. No, seriously. Everything is great with him. There are a few bugs, but they are minor. Sometimes it doesn't work and creeps get stuck in the walls. In general, everything is OK. Except for one important detail. The hero's key mechanic is fast tracking of the target in flight after the first ability hit. And VERY often the auto attack does not work immediately after the uppercut hit. A split second passes until the player realizes that something is not working. Then you need to release the key and press it again. During this time, the enemy has already landed and left. This often breaks gameplay moments and is disappointing. In my observations, this bug appears every 5-8 times the skill is used.
3. The bomb. You know, you could write a lot about her. But I'm writing this right after the patch, which made stacks of bomb power only after participating in the killing of the enemy, and this is an excellent solution. Now everything is logical and nothing should be changed in this mechanics, except for the damage growth figures. This skill is the main weapon of the hero, and in order for him to start working well now, you need to practically "rape" the entire map. Then you will get to 50+ gain. Given the fact that spirit shields and resistance provide SO many items, the bomb is useless now. I increase it to the maximum for the sake of disarming and don't rely on it in games. There are simply no high-ranking games where someone has dominated strongly enough. It is simply impossible to make damage noticeable with objects from this bomb. Resistance will consume everything. So you're just playing with the idea that you don't have stacks. And if you managed to do it, it's cool. I think it should be raised to 7% or even higher. Also, very often I hear the sound of the bomb going off, but it doesn't stick to the enemy because he's moved away. This bug makes me think I've planted the bomb and start moving away from the enemy, but it's not true and I have to go back again. I spend stamina and often this leads to big problems. This happens especially often in the first few minutes of the game.
4. Hook is definitely a great skill. That's what makes the hero funny. There are several problems with him. This is a really difficult skill shot. To effectively hit, you need to strongly anticipate the actions of the enemy. It's super. But it's very frustrating that when you hit the hardest hook, the hero often just doesn't attract because of the obstacles. This happens especially often when the enemy's base is being pushed, when he stands on the balcony above the t3 towers. Moreover, Bebop itself is in a stationary state at this time and is vulnerable to attacks. This needs to be fixed. I would like the enemy to always be attracted, because it is the hooks where this happens that are the most beautiful hooks. When you threw an unexpected hook around a corner or grabbed the ass of a fleeing enemy. Or there is a second option. Add the ability to cancel the hook on a separate key, as it works with other abilities.
Another problem is when the hook hits an obstacle, you don't understand what caused it. We need some kind of animation for such a case. This would reduce the rage and screams like "I DEFINITELY GOT IT, WHY DIDN'T HE PULL IN???"
As a final suggestion, I would like you to add the same movement mechanics to the Bebop hook as in its ultimate ability. I'm talking about the ability for the hero to move and adjust the hook's flight, but slowly. Perhaps even slower than in the ultimate ability. It would greatly refresh the gameplay.
5. The ultimate laser. Excellent ability, but add a cooldown for reuse after cancellation. It looks like an abuzz and shouldn't work like that. I can fly endlessly in the air or wait in ambush with a ready laser without a launch time. This is strange.
Otherwise, the hero is just great, but you can see for yourself from the picrate that he is not popular and is almost at the very bottom of the rating. This suggests that small edits are needed to this bucket of bolts.
As for the other aspects of the game, I will allow myself to speak on the same topic.
1. Builds – working with builds, which, in fact, is an important part of the game, like fighting. Therefore, I would like to see a lot of attention paid to this. Builds should be edited from the main menu, not just from the workout. Perhaps they should be edited right in the game. For a long time there was an opportunity to refuse to autobuy, I was I was very happy with this feature in Dota. Finally add the ability to delete your builds. There's already such a dumpster there… There is much more to offer, but these are small things. The main thing that I think you would use is working with buildings, it's a VERY important game experience. Just look at how streamers spend hours in training setting up combinations of items. It's a kind of Gwint from the Witcher. Its own separate game.
2. The store. Guys, he's terrible. I just hope that it was a quick stub and soon you will draw normal icons of objects, removing this nightmare. You can get used to everything, but this shit is just scary when you enter the game for the first time. It's hard to think of a worse one. In this video, one YouTuber designer analyzed this problem in detail:
after all, for some reason I have revealed something new to you, you do not need to let me know what exactly will change.
3. Appearance. I'm sure you've seen a lot of cool character skins that the community is already making. I hope that I have the opportunity to install a Steam workshop instead, which is paired with other players.
4. Localization. There is no need to translate the names of heroes and the names of objects. It doesn't make sense. People make their own localizations, but they fly off after each patch. You just have the opportunity to clean up the steam workshop if you listen and don't translate the name and title.
5. Sound bugs. When playing for Bebop, a bug constantly occurs in which the sound of the last pressed skill is looped. It's terrible, but I'm sure you've heard about it many times.
6. Rating system. I understand that you want to try something new, but you are depriving me of any sense to play ranking in this way. Two key factors. I want to get dopamine by looking at my numbers. This is what motivates me and thousands of other players. I want to see my +25 and suffer defeat. Now this system has removed these emotional swings. BUT THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT GETS PLAYERS USED TO PLAYING FOR DEBTS FOR YEARS. This is a kind of casino where we want to win. By killing this, you will kill a very large part of the fun of the game and face an outflow of players. Playing public games is not interesting. And the rating with such a system is not interesting either.
The second point is that I simply have nothing to do on a high rating. There is no top 500 where I could aim for. There are no MMR numbers that I can raise by setting challenges for myself. Being on Eternus 6, I can only play to stay at the same rank in a week. That's it. Why would I do that? Then I'll just go in to play 7 games and go to another game. It's not motivating. This will lower your online score eventually.
7. Map. Maybe it's my habit from LOL or Dota, but when I'm in a tavern, I always want to see what's going on on the map. And during the game I click on the map and expect my camera to hover somewhere in the air above the line and I will see the situation to assess what is happening. Perhaps in this moba-shooter genre, this may be an imbalance, but I would really like to see a similar opportunity while my hero is dead. And the second problem. In every moba game we fight between sides. Conventional light and darkness, good and evil. Here we have sapphire and amber and it's cool, but very often I and many other players lack the differences between the sides of the map to quickly navigate and understand which side you are on. This is especially important when exiting the teleport. It turns you to face the exit and you just get lost and start running towards the enemy base. This was the case with me, this was the case with the streamers. The map is very symmetrical and there are differences between the sides, but I want to see them more clearly. This could be expressed in the color of the walls or other elements. I think this is very important. To quickly understand the direction of movement in a game where the movement is so fast and intense.
Yes, there are a lot of bugs, flaws and problems in the game. But I really like the game and I wish it success. Thanks to the entire development team. I'm not asking you to answer all the points, but please, if one of the developers reads this, let me know in the comments. I will be very pleased to understand that my work has not been ignored.
Thanks for everything! And sorry for the machine translation of the text.
P.S. Maybe one of the moderators could delete this topic, it was created by mistake, and I don't see a way to delete it myself: https://forums.playdeadlock.com/thr...t-bebop-and-other-elements-of-the-game.43250/ I apologize for that.
I am happy that I am taking part in the beta test of Dedlock and writing this detailed opinion in the hope of influencing the future, absolutely, of the best multiplayer game created by mankind. Dedlock is something.
My favorite hero Bebop, and I'm serious about being one of the best players in the world on this boy. It's a lot of fun to play it, but some things are frustrating. I will describe in detail my experience regarding this hero and here I will write my other suggestions for the game. I hope you don't mind that I'm writing everything in one topic, and not spreading different suggestions on separate branches.
So, to the point. Let's go through all the aspects of the hero.
1. Auto attack. Many people think that the Bebop laser is something strong and it perfectly finishes off creeps, but this is absolutely not the case. When you click the left mouse button, you have a long delay before the attack, which prevents you from finishing off creeps in this way. To effectively finish off creeps you must hold down the right mouse button and this changes your POV due to which you cannot see what your enemy is doing and cannot dodge his abilities.This is incredibly disruptive on the line. And that's okay. This is a feature of the hero. Its intentional complication due to other strengths. Yes? But there aren't any. You can't finish off creeps as effectively as any other hero with a shotgun or any other weapon. You should always press the right mouse button in advance. You don't have a return, but let's be honest. No one has it in the game. And you have a laser, which means a fast rate of fire, right? No! Bebop's bullets fly as slowly as any other hero's. And this is also not an advantage. And the saddest thing is. Bebop is the only one with a limited range. You literally have a wall in the path of the laser. It's weird and it gets in the way a lot.
Maybe we're having such a bad time with the auto attack because this hero is something like a "magician." He has very strong abilities and therefore he must suffer from weaknesses in attacking with his hand. But that's not the case either. Let's take a look at his abilities.
2. Uppercut. The first skill and it is beautiful. No, seriously. Everything is great with him. There are a few bugs, but they are minor. Sometimes it doesn't work and creeps get stuck in the walls. In general, everything is OK. Except for one important detail. The hero's key mechanic is fast tracking of the target in flight after the first ability hit. And VERY often the auto attack does not work immediately after the uppercut hit. A split second passes until the player realizes that something is not working. Then you need to release the key and press it again. During this time, the enemy has already landed and left. This often breaks gameplay moments and is disappointing. In my observations, this bug appears every 5-8 times the skill is used.
3. The bomb. You know, you could write a lot about her. But I'm writing this right after the patch, which made stacks of bomb power only after participating in the killing of the enemy, and this is an excellent solution. Now everything is logical and nothing should be changed in this mechanics, except for the damage growth figures. This skill is the main weapon of the hero, and in order for him to start working well now, you need to practically "rape" the entire map. Then you will get to 50+ gain. Given the fact that spirit shields and resistance provide SO many items, the bomb is useless now. I increase it to the maximum for the sake of disarming and don't rely on it in games. There are simply no high-ranking games where someone has dominated strongly enough. It is simply impossible to make damage noticeable with objects from this bomb. Resistance will consume everything. So you're just playing with the idea that you don't have stacks. And if you managed to do it, it's cool. I think it should be raised to 7% or even higher. Also, very often I hear the sound of the bomb going off, but it doesn't stick to the enemy because he's moved away. This bug makes me think I've planted the bomb and start moving away from the enemy, but it's not true and I have to go back again. I spend stamina and often this leads to big problems. This happens especially often in the first few minutes of the game.
4. Hook is definitely a great skill. That's what makes the hero funny. There are several problems with him. This is a really difficult skill shot. To effectively hit, you need to strongly anticipate the actions of the enemy. It's super. But it's very frustrating that when you hit the hardest hook, the hero often just doesn't attract because of the obstacles. This happens especially often when the enemy's base is being pushed, when he stands on the balcony above the t3 towers. Moreover, Bebop itself is in a stationary state at this time and is vulnerable to attacks. This needs to be fixed. I would like the enemy to always be attracted, because it is the hooks where this happens that are the most beautiful hooks. When you threw an unexpected hook around a corner or grabbed the ass of a fleeing enemy. Or there is a second option. Add the ability to cancel the hook on a separate key, as it works with other abilities.
Another problem is when the hook hits an obstacle, you don't understand what caused it. We need some kind of animation for such a case. This would reduce the rage and screams like "I DEFINITELY GOT IT, WHY DIDN'T HE PULL IN???"
As a final suggestion, I would like you to add the same movement mechanics to the Bebop hook as in its ultimate ability. I'm talking about the ability for the hero to move and adjust the hook's flight, but slowly. Perhaps even slower than in the ultimate ability. It would greatly refresh the gameplay.
5. The ultimate laser. Excellent ability, but add a cooldown for reuse after cancellation. It looks like an abuzz and shouldn't work like that. I can fly endlessly in the air or wait in ambush with a ready laser without a launch time. This is strange.
Otherwise, the hero is just great, but you can see for yourself from the picrate that he is not popular and is almost at the very bottom of the rating. This suggests that small edits are needed to this bucket of bolts.
As for the other aspects of the game, I will allow myself to speak on the same topic.
1. Builds – working with builds, which, in fact, is an important part of the game, like fighting. Therefore, I would like to see a lot of attention paid to this. Builds should be edited from the main menu, not just from the workout. Perhaps they should be edited right in the game. For a long time there was an opportunity to refuse to autobuy, I was I was very happy with this feature in Dota. Finally add the ability to delete your builds. There's already such a dumpster there… There is much more to offer, but these are small things. The main thing that I think you would use is working with buildings, it's a VERY important game experience. Just look at how streamers spend hours in training setting up combinations of items. It's a kind of Gwint from the Witcher. Its own separate game.
2. The store. Guys, he's terrible. I just hope that it was a quick stub and soon you will draw normal icons of objects, removing this nightmare. You can get used to everything, but this shit is just scary when you enter the game for the first time. It's hard to think of a worse one. In this video, one YouTuber designer analyzed this problem in detail:
3. Appearance. I'm sure you've seen a lot of cool character skins that the community is already making. I hope that I have the opportunity to install a Steam workshop instead, which is paired with other players.
4. Localization. There is no need to translate the names of heroes and the names of objects. It doesn't make sense. People make their own localizations, but they fly off after each patch. You just have the opportunity to clean up the steam workshop if you listen and don't translate the name and title.
5. Sound bugs. When playing for Bebop, a bug constantly occurs in which the sound of the last pressed skill is looped. It's terrible, but I'm sure you've heard about it many times.
6. Rating system. I understand that you want to try something new, but you are depriving me of any sense to play ranking in this way. Two key factors. I want to get dopamine by looking at my numbers. This is what motivates me and thousands of other players. I want to see my +25 and suffer defeat. Now this system has removed these emotional swings. BUT THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT GETS PLAYERS USED TO PLAYING FOR DEBTS FOR YEARS. This is a kind of casino where we want to win. By killing this, you will kill a very large part of the fun of the game and face an outflow of players. Playing public games is not interesting. And the rating with such a system is not interesting either.
The second point is that I simply have nothing to do on a high rating. There is no top 500 where I could aim for. There are no MMR numbers that I can raise by setting challenges for myself. Being on Eternus 6, I can only play to stay at the same rank in a week. That's it. Why would I do that? Then I'll just go in to play 7 games and go to another game. It's not motivating. This will lower your online score eventually.
7. Map. Maybe it's my habit from LOL or Dota, but when I'm in a tavern, I always want to see what's going on on the map. And during the game I click on the map and expect my camera to hover somewhere in the air above the line and I will see the situation to assess what is happening. Perhaps in this moba-shooter genre, this may be an imbalance, but I would really like to see a similar opportunity while my hero is dead. And the second problem. In every moba game we fight between sides. Conventional light and darkness, good and evil. Here we have sapphire and amber and it's cool, but very often I and many other players lack the differences between the sides of the map to quickly navigate and understand which side you are on. This is especially important when exiting the teleport. It turns you to face the exit and you just get lost and start running towards the enemy base. This was the case with me, this was the case with the streamers. The map is very symmetrical and there are differences between the sides, but I want to see them more clearly. This could be expressed in the color of the walls or other elements. I think this is very important. To quickly understand the direction of movement in a game where the movement is so fast and intense.
Yes, there are a lot of bugs, flaws and problems in the game. But I really like the game and I wish it success. Thanks to the entire development team. I'm not asking you to answer all the points, but please, if one of the developers reads this, let me know in the comments. I will be very pleased to understand that my work has not been ignored.
Thanks for everything! And sorry for the machine translation of the text.
P.S. Maybe one of the moderators could delete this topic, it was created by mistake, and I don't see a way to delete it myself: https://forums.playdeadlock.com/thr...t-bebop-and-other-elements-of-the-game.43250/ I apologize for that.
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