Lagging/Rubberbanding Mid-Game Every Match

Stud Muhfin

New member
Anyone else dealing with weird rubberbanding issues mid-game? About 5-10 minutes every match I am having an issue where my character lags/rubberbands around the map and my model spins in place. It has happened every match to me after the new patch. I've tried un-installing and re-installing, but that didn't fix the issue. I know it's not my internet as I've tried those fixes as well.

Some recent match ID's as examples:0


It has been doing this to me as well, it got to the point where i couldnt see my bullets or timers for my abilities. Anytime i tried to go into a team fight it was like watching a slowed down stop motion picture. i just uninstalled and resinstalled hoping to fix it. closing out the game and rejoining didnt help (i did it like 4 times)

hoping for thursday update to fix any issues