Killed by an AOE attack in the safe area of base


New member
Not sure if it's been reported yet, but I ran into an issue in a game just now where I barely made it into the safe area of the base to heal with like 100 hp, but then was immediately killed by an AOE attack from an enemy player in our patron's pit. This was a bit frustrating because we were trying to hold them off from winning, and it felt like I should have been invulnerable in that part of the base.
Not sure if it's been reported yet, but I ran into an issue in a game just now where I barely made it into the safe area of the base to heal with like 100 hp, but then was immediately killed by an AOE attack from an enemy player in our patron's pit. This was a bit frustrating because we were trying to hold them off from winning, and it felt like I should have been invulnerable in that part of the base.
You are not invulnerable in your base. I actually dove enemy spawn with an Ivy and took out my target before the base's damage and the rest of the team merc'd me. xD
What made you think the "well" was safe? I don't believe anywhere the game suggests that area to be anything other than a place that heals you.
Just because you're in base/shop doesn't mean you're safe. If you run to base on low health and you eat a talon ult, you're going ghost.