Juan, the Bartender.


New member
Hero weapon and Stats
High HP, Low-Medium movement speed.
Medium-High dps, Low firerate, Medium-High bullet speed.
Medium-High range, Very Low accuracy.


1. Throws a exploding liquor bottle, hit enemies become drunk blind: lose movement speed, gain random camera sway and can’t see anyone (friends / enemies / heroes / creeps) that is outside their vision range (same mechanic as juke spots).
  • Stacks: 1
  • Cooldown: 10s
  • Stack Recovery Time: 60s.
  • Explosion Range: 5m
  • Drunk Blind Duration: 6s.
  • Drunk Blind Movement Speed Reduction: 10% (scales with Spirit)
  • Drunk Blind Vision Range: 20m
  • Drunk Blind Sway Strength: 100% (scales with Spirit) - Optional mechanic, probably too annoying for players and may cause motion sickness (maybe only “crosshair” moves, not camera).
  1. Stack +1. Drunk Blind Vision Range: -5m
  2. Drunk Blind Movement Speed Lose: +10%.
  3. Stack +1. Drunk Blind Vision Range: -5m.

2. Jumps in the air and throws (small throw range) barrel filled with explosive liquor. Barrel explodes when damaged or duration ends (may explode midair if enough damage is dealt). Explosion deals extra damage to objectives.
  • Cooldown: 30s
  • Lifetime: 10s
  • Barrel Health: 100
  • Explosion Range: 5m
  • Explosion Damage: 125 (scales with Spirit).
  • Bonus objective damage: +75 (scales with Spirit)
  1. Explosion Damage +25.
  2. Explosion Range: +2m
  3. Bonus Objective Damage: +100

3. Stuns an enemy for short period of time and forces them to look at you afterwards. Effect ends if line of sight is broken. Gain Spirit and Weapon Armor while effect is active.
Optional: Maybe Disarm (and Silence) the Bartender during this, it may need buff than.
  • Cooldown 40s.
  • Range 15m
  • Stun Duration: 1s.
  • Forced Look At Duration: 5s (scales with Spirit)
  • Bonus Armor: 20 (scales with Spirit)
  • Bonus Armor +10.
  • Affected Enemy has their Movement Speed reduced by 30%.
  • Affected Enemy has their Weapon and Spirit Armor reduced by the same amount as Bartender gained.

4. Passive. Receiving many hits in a short amount of time triggers cleansing effect. Gains temporary invincibility, purges all negative effects, and applies Spirit Damage vulnerability to enemies around.
Optional: Maybe make this togglable or activatable after being charged for more control, but passive seams more chaotic and abusable from enemy team (so more fun)
  • Cooldown 30s.
  • Hits to trigger: 20.
  • Time Window: 1s
  • Invincibility duration: 1s.
  • Radius: 5m
  • Enemies Spirit Vulnerability: 50% (scales with Spirit)
  1. Cooldown reduced by 5s.
  2. Cooldown reduced by 5s.
  3. Cooldown reduced by 5s.