Ivy Permanent Flight Bug


New member
First experienced on Build 5,020 - Aug 01 2024
Match ID 505061, around the 17:30 mark

While taking flight as Ivy with Falling Grace, I was simultaneously struck by Paradox's Kinetic Carbine and Vindicta's Stake ( I was able to fly away unaffected by the stake). Mid-flight I realized the ability wasn't ending although the bar was depleted, and was able to fly all the way from the enemy's base guardians to my base.
In the replay, the bug has been displayed inconsistently: one time the bar depleted, then refilled and became stuck at maximum duration, another the bar immediately refilled upon recovering from Kinetic Carbine's effect.
I am unable to replicate the bug because I am a loser and have no friends to attempt it with, but I believe it may have to do with Paradox's Kinetic Carbine.