Item Search function is unreliable


New member
If you put "Bullet Shield" in the search field it doesn't show you all the items that grant Bullet Shield, e.g Combat Barrier is missing, maybe some other ones as well.

Same if you put "Cooldown Reduction" - Improved Cooldown item is missing, maybe it gets included with Superior Cooldown i dunno.

There are also some inconsistencies with effect names. There is Move Speed (Which is most of the move items) and there is Movement Speed (Fleet Foot, Heroic Aura, Frenzy). Or does the "Movement Speed" include both Move and Sprint actions so it is a unique term as well? In that case all good but if it's not then it messes up the search somewhat.

If you put "Speed" it doesn't show "Sprint Boots" even though it has Sprint Speed in it but it includes Warp Stone which is also Sprint Speed.

As i understand the search is not using all the text in item descriptions but probably some manually placed tags? Or am i wrong?
From what I can tell it only includes the item name and description, descriptions do not always mention all modified stats, so these will be missed by the search.