Interesting visual error | Seven


New member
Playing seven, I pressed my number 4 ability as I was killed. Upon respawn, my player model was replaced with the blue skeleton that is shown during the animation. Talking with other players, they did not see the incorrect model, which leads me to believe it's client-side. Doesn't seem to impact anything except my player model. The incorrect model remained until I was killed/respawned again. Attached is a screenshot. Match ID 1098441
I also had something akin to this, where I also ulted and died, but instead of being a skeleton I just had lots of sparks coming out of the wires on my character for that life.
Now that you say that, I have experienced that visual error as well. I suppose I thought it was intended haha. Here's a screenshot of it happening in just earlier today after dying in ult.
Match ID 2195054