Candlemaker - Necromancer-esque Hero that Interacts With Lane Creeps


New member
Would be interesting to have a character who interacts more with the creeps that spawn. I like the candle design that they have, and how their candle melts as they take damage. I think a hero based around their design would be interesting, perhaps they can have a passive where they can eat one of the creeps for a burst heal (making the soul fly up for the enemy to hit, as to prevent the skill from being used to deny income.) Maybe they could have a way to convert enemy creeps into friendlies. I noticed there is an item that buffs nearby creeps, so maybe it would be a natural pick for them and they are played more like a lane pushing hero that the enemy team will have to keep track of.
If I had to come up with some abilities on the spot, they could go something like this:

1. A wave attack that glides across the ground applying damage on impact and leaves behind a trail of slowing wax. It could then in turn provide a speed boost to friendly lane minions and the Candlemaker. Trail lasts 4 seconds, and upon impact with an enemy player they are very briefly bumped into the air, disrupting their movement, forcing them down into the slow. Slow lasts for 1 second after leaving the wax.

2. A buff ability that can be applied to friendly heroes or self-cast that increases the player model size, as well as a burst of max HP. Could be used to keep your squishy DPS allies alive during a dive. Can be cast on creeps with the same effect, in this case you could use it to help a creep tank a tower for a bit longer. Could also push enemy heroes away upon activation.

3. Channel to summon a series of wax blobs that chase the nearest enemy, they attach themselves to the enemy, slowing them and dealing damage. They can be shot and killed easily, but have spirit resistance. When attached to an enemy, their allies can shoot them off to end their effect early. Gives souls upon being killed by an enemy player. The caster gains bullet resistance while casting, but cannot move during the cast. I think this ability would make it so 1v1ing the candlemaker during the laning phase could be troublesome, but in a 2v2 lane the wax blobs can be shot off an affected ally, potentially netting them extra souls.

4. Summon a huge candle from the sky that comes crashing down, anyone caught in the initial, close AOE is slowed significantly, the candle is then lit, dealing damage over time. If cast on an enemy structure it attaches itself to the structure and stuns it for 3 seconds. Has a long cooldown, and the range and damage isn't as impactful as something like Seven's ultimate, but the AOE slow from the impact can leave a waxy trail like in his first ability, giving the candlemaker some potential utility usage, perhaps casting behind the enemy to prevent their escape, or cast on their structure to go for a tower dive.

I imagine them in a robe with a staff that has a candle on the end of it. When using the wave ability, they could swing the staff low, where a wave will appear from the tip of the staff. When channeling wax bloblets, they can hold the staff with both hands, planting the base on the ground while waving it in a circular motion. I like the idea of the candle on the staff essentially being an infinite supply of wax, it's just continuously melting droplets, and perhaps the candle can shrink like the creep's.
I kinda like the idea of them being small, with a staff that's taller than them. Maybe hunched over. They could be an old crone from the woods, or wax-like figure themselves like a wax sculpture come to life. I think the aesthetic potential is fairly unlimited and could go in any direction. They could just be a giant wax candle with legs and arms with a wick on their head, although care would have to be taken as to not confuse new players into thinking the hero is some kind of lane unit.

That is my idea. Thanks for reading. (y)
I like the idea of interacting with lane creeps. There is wrecker who can be spawned in sandbox that "scraps" creeps basically consuming them for souls. I do like the idea of expanding that to a entire character as it would also give more to using creep waves to push towers and base and speeding it up. Would definitely be powerful but also be difficult.
I like the idea of interacting with lane creeps. There is wrecker who can be spawned in sandbox that "scraps" creeps basically consuming them for souls. I do like the idea of expanding that to a entire character as it would also give more to using creep waves to push towers and base and speeding it up. Would definitely be powerful but also be difficult.
I played a game recently as the mole dude where I tried to only rat, it worked surprisngly well, probably because the game has no defined meta and players don't really communicate a lot. I bought the item that buffs lane creeps, as well as the movespeed boots. Turns out, that creep buffing item is decent in teamfights, and the movement item is honestly amazing at letting you escape once the enemy responds. I'll have to try it out some more on a different hero, I think someone with an in-built bullet damage buff ability could be good for taking objectives quickly.
I played a game recently as the mole dude where I tried to only rat, it worked surprisngly well, probably because the game has no defined meta and players don't really communicate a lot. I bought the item that buffs lane creeps, as well as the movespeed boots. Turns out, that creep buffing item is decent in teamfights, and the movement item is honestly amazing at letting you escape once the enemy responds. I'll have to try it out some more on a different hero, I think someone with an in-built bullet damage buff ability could be good for taking objectives quickly.
I did not even know of an item that buffs lane creeps. I have been recently messing around with vindicta and doing weird builds with her but ill definitely try out mo again he seems really powerful and can be built in a lot of interesting ways. I really hope icefrog can figure out a way to balance the game so everyone is powerful in their own rights. The games items also allow for so much variety in every hero.
I did not even know of an item that buffs lane creeps. I have been recently messing around with vindicta and doing weird builds with her but ill definitely try out mo again he seems really powerful and can be built in a lot of interesting ways. I really hope icefrog can figure out a way to balance the game so everyone is powerful in their own rights. The games items also allow for so much variety in every hero.
My favourite part about the game is how impactful the items feel. You can build a hero differently and get a completely different playstyle. Sometimes its fun just to buy a bunch of spirit items and imbue them to the same ability. You can do this for Seven's ultimate and during the finale of the game get a rampage by ulting above the enemy ancient. Or you can put everything on Paradox's Q and throw it from a distance to hit the lane creeps, then use your E to run to a neighbouring lane and push it at the same time. Game is fun.
The items being impactful is like
My favourite part about the game is how impactful the items feel. You can build a hero differently and get a completely different playstyle. Sometimes its fun just to buy a bunch of spirit items and imbue them to the same ability. You can do this for Seven's ultimate and during the finale of the game get a rampage by ulting above the enemy ancient. Or you can put everything on Paradox's Q and throw it from a distance to hit the lane creeps, then use your E to run to a neighbouring lane and push it at the same time. Game is fun.
Agreed, the items are like 50% of the fun in both dota and this game lol. I hope they add many more so experimenting never gets boring. Maybe I should try to come up with some and suggest them..