Inexplicable framerate drop mid-match


New member
Match ID: 21201951

I normally get well over 60 fps, but during this match the framerate became extremely choppy over time, averaging around 30 or less. It became fully noticeable around the 20-minute mark. I had played a few matches before this with no issues. This has happened for me a handful of times in the past, and I'm not aware of any pattern to it.

My specs:
Windows 10
AMD Ryzen 5 5600X
16gb RAM
NVIDIA RTX 2070 Super
2560x1440 144hz display
I haven't figured out the cause, but it seems to be related to specific area of the map, because if I go to a corner far away it stops doing it. Reloading client fixes it. Someone said to try jumping off of and immediately back onto the same zip line without landing once, and I have no idea if that does anything or not, but hey
I get a similar frame rate drop in the mid game around the middle of the map. It seems to get better when I turn away from the middle but gets worse again after