(Incandescent cyborg)
Weapon - Gamma Ray Arm Cannon: Beam Weapon, Long Range, Charged Shot (Holding Primary Fire consumes ammo to charge a shot until you release. The charged shot deals 1x bullet damage per ammo consumed during the charge. Automatically releases the shot after 3s of charging, or if you run out of ammo)
60 Ammo, 10 Bullets Per Second, 7.2 Bullet Damage, 2.65 Reload Time.
Microwaves: (Channeling) Continuously emit microwaves for up to 3s, dealing 80 spirit DPS to enemies with line of sight in a 30 meter radius around you. Enemies killed by microwaves leave behind warm meals for 8s, which heal the first ally hero to touch them for 10% of the slain enemy's max HP.
25s CD.
LvL 1: +5% Meal heal.
LvL 2: +40 DPS.
LvL 3: Microwaves destroy enemy bullets.
X-Ray Specs: Has 2 Charges. Emits X-rays in a 5 meter beam, dealing 60 spirit damage to enemies up to 50 meters away. Rays damage enemies even behind walls, and reveals them (As skeletons) for 3s.
50 Meter Range, 3s CD, 18s Charge Replenish.
LvL 1: +20 Meter range.
LvL 2: -4s Charge replenish time.
LvL 5: +2 Charges.
Infrared Cannon: Configure your other arm into a cannon for 12s, which has the same stats as your primary weapon, and can be charged/fired independently with secondary fire.
45s CD.
LvL 1: +50% Ammo for duration.
LvL 2: +3s Infrared Cannon max charge time.
LvL 5: -15s CD.
Luminescence: Turns you into pure light after a 1.25s cast time. For the 9s duration, your jumps/dashes travel their full distance instantly, and you can walk through walls (If there is another side)
150s CD.
LvL 1: +50% Jump/Dash distance.
LvL 2: +100% MS.
LvL 5: Jumps/Dashes release a flash of light that deals 50 spirit damage in a 5 meter radius.
(Incandescent cyborg)
Weapon - Gamma Ray Arm Cannon: Beam Weapon, Long Range, Charged Shot (Holding Primary Fire consumes ammo to charge a shot until you release. The charged shot deals 1x bullet damage per ammo consumed during the charge. Automatically releases the shot after 3s of charging, or if you run out of ammo)
60 Ammo, 10 Bullets Per Second, 7.2 Bullet Damage, 2.65 Reload Time.
Microwaves: (Channeling) Continuously emit microwaves for up to 3s, dealing 80 spirit DPS to enemies with line of sight in a 30 meter radius around you. Enemies killed by microwaves leave behind warm meals for 8s, which heal the first ally hero to touch them for 10% of the slain enemy's max HP.
25s CD.
LvL 1: +5% Meal heal.
LvL 2: +40 DPS.
LvL 3: Microwaves destroy enemy bullets.
X-Ray Specs: Has 2 Charges. Emits X-rays in a 5 meter beam, dealing 60 spirit damage to enemies up to 50 meters away. Rays damage enemies even behind walls, and reveals them (As skeletons) for 3s.
50 Meter Range, 3s CD, 18s Charge Replenish.
LvL 1: +20 Meter range.
LvL 2: -4s Charge replenish time.
LvL 5: +2 Charges.
Infrared Cannon: Configure your other arm into a cannon for 12s, which has the same stats as your primary weapon, and can be charged/fired independently with secondary fire.
45s CD.
LvL 1: +50% Ammo for duration.
LvL 2: +3s Infrared Cannon max charge time.
LvL 5: -15s CD.
Luminescence: Turns you into pure light after a 1.25s cast time. For the 9s duration, your jumps/dashes travel their full distance instantly, and you can walk through walls (If there is another side)
150s CD.
LvL 1: +50% Jump/Dash distance.
LvL 2: +100% MS.
LvL 5: Jumps/Dashes release a flash of light that deals 50 spirit damage in a 5 meter radius.