Hero Idea: Stage Magician (storm spirit-ish)


Active member
Hero Idea: stage magician. perhaps a down-on-your-luck sort whose tricks are more homicidal than mesmerizing, hence a desperate attempt to complete the ritual in return for arcane secrets to save his career. I'd like to imagine this hero to be your archetypal big-cape and tall hat sort.

Gameplay concept: big fan of dota's storm spirit, so I'd like to translate some of his kit (vortex, ult, juke ability - in my mind all signature storm spirit stuff) to deadlock. also, a bombastic magician sort of captures that dota 2 storm spirit personality. Not quite 1:1 with storm spirit, but so far unique to deadlock and would probably be disgusting with refresher and ability power effect items.

Default fire: being a stage magician, naturally their favorite trick is knife tossing.

Ability 1: Checkmate!

Hero throws a wide arc of knives directly in front of him. Simple wave-clearing and spirit damage burst ability.

Ability 2: Spinning Evade

Hero quickly wraps themselves in their cape, and rotates quickly in a full 360 degree arc. Signature juking ability, the hero is completely invulnerable throughout the animation. Stopping at any time or completing a full 360 degree arc ends this ability. At level 2 or 3, activating this ability grants bonus spirit damage to their next used ability. Pretty simple applications, going in for a kill or juking behind an opponent for nasty burst damage with checkmate is the idea. Usable in the air and probably the preferred application since there is a much less risk of spinning into a wall/object.

Ability 3: Hat Trick (Vortex)

Hero tosses his/her top-hat onto the ground or into the air, and after a small delay, a rabbit/jack-in-the-box pops out, drawing all caught enemies towards the center. Variation of vortex since you can toss it somewhere, spinning towards a caught group of enemies and bursting them with checkmate is the general idea.

Ability 4 Curtain Closer (ult)

Essentially a 3d, controllable ball lightning, after casting this ability, the magician becomes engulfed by their cape and becomes a giant ball of death and the player is able to steer themselves anywhere they like. Fully invulnerable during the spell. I can't help the jojo references, but think of a 3d vanilla ice ball.

rough wip, update later