Hero Idea: Rowan the Artillery Nun

A few notes. For Concussive Shell, I'm not sure why you want this bouncing off of enemies. I get the idea of a shell that bounces once then explodes, but if it directly hits a hero, it feels like you should be rewarded for that, or at least not have it bounce off of, and presumably away from enemies.
For Dive Bomb, it feels strange to couple a leap with an unavoidable nerf to your movement speed. Feels bad. The leap would be fine without it, I think, particularly if you can couple it with blast jumping.
Blast Charge is pretty good, I think, and I like the ultimate, too. I think this is a strong design, and a nice presentation.
is the point of concusive shell bounce so direct hits dont knock them away from your range like a mars spear/anhur impale/vayne E?

she is a tank with 2 movement skills. the move speed debuff is fine if she can also use her 1 or m2 to move (like soldier, base movement stops matering when you dotn use it). i did want to know what exactly is the blast jump, because the dive bomb is just a movement skill, the interesting design of blast jumping is you are giving away something like hp or ammo (damage) to get the movement. I am mentioning it because it isn't said exactly which one it is.

This is something i am trying to figure which would be more fun to play and fight againts (and i do want to know what do you think would be best for her): if the 1st skill hits and bounces back in front of the enemy it would still, potentialy, do the same as a direct hit knock back if it worked that way. So how would the charge bounce depending from where you shoot it and into what. Do walls also make it bounce off? If the blast jump is from this skill, i do applaud the idea of spending damage for more movement making it a sticky jump type. But in a tf how consistent is the bounce off effect? if it hits and places itself behind it would be like a delayed hercules 2 (smite)? that's a conditional pull, i like that but i know people hate it, hercules is often a pub bully and garrosh from hots had that feature removed because its to much reach from a close range cc machine (its also another "pull" and people already bitch and moan about beepbop). I do see here 100% a herc type play if it works this way, where if you catch a concusive back into you, if it doesnt cc them from using stamina and if it does you re making them spending ressources, to then blast charge them back. Heck even beepbop does this of explosive punch you to the guardian holding hg to see if you peek his hook. Is this ok? I don't mind it and i do think the movement of the character already tells she doesnt play fair, so cheesy tactics bound to happen.
Which also means in either case of the concusive shell bounce, in a team fight would you be fishing for the pulls or dive bombing behind peopleto shell them away from their team? perhaps shell ones and charge others creating space.

I like the concept, i don't really take numbers to seriously because its a case of tuning though i would love to see duration and reach and joust people
What I like about soldier in tf2 is that he has the option to be very agile BUT it comes at the cost of him ammo + his own health. My suggestion would be to make the M2 dmg herself. For how much? Im not sure myself but itd have to be substansial enough to force the player to have to make an active choice between spending some of their hp for better movement or just walking there
What I like about soldier in tf2 is that he has the option to be very agile BUT it comes at the cost of him ammo + his own health. My suggestion would be to make the M2 dmg herself. For how much? Im not sure myself but itd have to be substansial enough to force the player to have to make an active choice between spending some of their hp for better movement or just walking there

doesn't spending ammo or a spell like viscous already be part of the downside? could also self damage, just don't know if its very thematic.

You are still spending a ressource. I do want to add to something you said though, the downside needs to exist, what if the m2 blast was 20% of total ammo? so you can't just pack a 8rocket slide or something and add a magestic leap. but it still allows you to do 1 at 5ammo for instance like yammato and viscous can m2 for full damage with less than 3 and 6 ammo respectivly
doesn't spending ammo or a spell like viscous already be part of the downside? could also self damage, just don't know if its very thematic.

You are still spending a ressource. I do want to add to something you said though, the downside needs to exist, what if the m2 blast was 20% of total ammo? so you can't just pack a 8rocket slide or something and add a magestic leap. but it still allows you to do 1 at 5ammo for instance like yammato and viscous can m2 for full damage with less than 3 and 6 ammo respectivly
sure that could work
A few notes. For Concussive Shell, I'm not sure why you want this bouncing off of enemies. I get the idea of a shell that bounces once then explodes, but if it directly hits a hero, it feels like you should be rewarded for that, or at least not have it bounce off of, and presumably away from enemies.
For Dive Bomb, it feels strange to couple a leap with an unavoidable nerf to your movement speed. Feels bad. The leap would be fine without it, I think, particularly if you can couple it with blast jumping.
Blast Charge is pretty good, I think, and I like the ultimate, too. I think this is a strong design, and a nice presentation.
Think concussive shell as TF2's scorch-shot, where its bounce essentially loses all momentum and at higher tiers applying a similar movement slow on direct hit.

Similar case with dive bomb where I had an idea that at higher tiers you would get extra bullet/spirit armor and/or percentile damage reflection.

Also as stated in the thread being a tank with multiple movement abilities, dive bomb being essentially a fusion of lash's dick kick, wraith's full auto, and unreleased hero tokamak's dying star. The self movement debuff is a given.