Hero Idea: PK Ultra (tether support, quick fix TF2, rubick)


Active member
Hero design: Classic 1930’s asylum patient in a straitjacket, blah blah

Hero concept: Support class with a unique movement-based tether (based on quick fix from TF2), unique minimap scrambling CC disruption, and rubick's copy ability.

Ability 1: Flights of Madness

"Gain immunity to movement based disruption and automatically connect to the nearest ally hero to share this state. Match the movement speed and movement based abilities of your connected ally. Both the hero and their ally also share bonuses while connected."

1. Healing effects boosted +15% (healing rite, healing beam, etc)
2. +1 stamina bonus (shared with tethered ally)
3. Tether count +1

Concept: Linking with any ally, the hero shares this temporary state of movement disruption immunity while also matching the movement speed and movement abilities of the tethered hero (majestic leap, warp stone, dashes, etc etc.)

Ability 2: Wild thoughts
"Summon a floor-only psionic burst, that damages and knocks up enemies while also temporarily scrambling their minimap."

1. Cooldown -15s
2. +40 damage
3. Debuff duration +6s

Concept: Floor only spirit AOE attack, mostly for CC disruption and setting up nasty ganks. Unique ability to disrupt hit enemy heroes by scrambling their minimap for a bit of time.

Ability 3: Folie a Deux
"Hold the target in place, stunning them and rendering both yourself and the target impervious to all damage and status effects"

2s duration. 50CD

1. -15s cooldown
2. +2 m/s and hp regen bonus when channelling ends
3. +2s duration

Concept: Powerful single target CC taking both yourself and the enemy (or teammate) out of the fight for a bit of time. Upgrade 2 bolsters your survivability and is meant to make tethering afterward even more potent.

Ability 4: Mitosis
"After drawing forth spirit from a targetted hero, gain access to their last used ability."

150s CD.

1. Casting range +4m
2. -45s CD
3. Charge +1

Concept: Rubick,one of my favorites :D. Pretty simple, for something unique I think a upgrade 3 to gain the ability to charge would be cool, possibly broken, all in good fun!

Default fire: Crossbow, maybe.
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