Active member
Hero Design: Hashashin, the cool hooded arabian assassins of legend. Pretty simple design, another good way to look at this theme
is probably Prince of Persia; so, handsome troubled man out for blood, the usual. This tortured soul fights with an arm blade in addition to a pistol (mostly to keep ratting in check
Gameplay concept: Mobile melee Assassin meant to take advantage of unorthodox angles and his ult, Deadman's Switch to keep them guessing constantly. Hash's unique passive "blood sport" reveals the enemy anywhere on the map to his allied team for a time, making even botched assassination attempts useful. Dead Ringer Spy meets bounty hunter from dota.
Default fire: Pistol
ALT Fire: Press ALT fire near whenever near a wall to perform a manual wall cling.
Ability 1: Alpha Blade
25sCD 150 spirit damage.
2. +75 spirit damage
3. Press (1) again to perform another dash back to the same position of the first alpha blade.
Concept: CC disruption and enables wall cling ability to perform single target assassinations from unique angles. Meant for solo ganks or initiation on squishy carries.
Ability 2: Tumble
30s +2 m/s bonus, 4s invisibility
2. +1 m/s bonus
3. +4s invisibility
Concept: Command dash for juking/assassinations/setting up alpha blade or with 3, taking advantage of innate invisibility for wall cling assassinations/shenanigans.
Ability 3 Passive: Blood Sport
-25% movement slow, -10% bullet resist 4s debuff duration
1. Striking enemies with any melee attack reveals their location to hero (duration 15s)
2. Bullet resist debuff -20%
3. Allows entire team to see enemy silhouette for a brief amount of time. (duration 15s)
Concept: Melee version of bounty hunter's track. Enables nastier picks on carries.
Ability 4: Deadman's Switch
5s duration when activated, 30m mouse3 teleport. 3s invisibility.
1. 100% damage reduction when activated from initial attack.
2. +3 m/s movement speed bonus while under special ult invisibility.
3. -20s CD
Concept: More or less a direct port of the Dead Ringer from TF2. New ability to press MOUSE3 a few seconds after activation to teleport randomly close to enemy that activated ult, within 30M. Promotes maximum chaos behind front lines thanks to Alpha blade and tumble to extend juke/picks. To keep the ult within reason, could make it a bit more obvious when this is activated, something like a red sheen over the character model or etc, a noticeable sound when activated, etc.
is probably Prince of Persia; so, handsome troubled man out for blood, the usual. This tortured soul fights with an arm blade in addition to a pistol (mostly to keep ratting in check

Gameplay concept: Mobile melee Assassin meant to take advantage of unorthodox angles and his ult, Deadman's Switch to keep them guessing constantly. Hash's unique passive "blood sport" reveals the enemy anywhere on the map to his allied team for a time, making even botched assassination attempts useful. Dead Ringer Spy meets bounty hunter from dota.
Default fire: Pistol
ALT Fire: Press ALT fire near whenever near a wall to perform a manual wall cling.
Ability 1: Alpha Blade
25sCD 150 spirit damage.
1. +15% melee damage bonus after knocking up a target.Perform a dash forward that knocks up and damages struck enemies. If aimed at a wall, hero is able to wall cling.
2. +75 spirit damage
3. Press (1) again to perform another dash back to the same position of the first alpha blade.
Concept: CC disruption and enables wall cling ability to perform single target assassinations from unique angles. Meant for solo ganks or initiation on squishy carries.
Ability 2: Tumble
30s +2 m/s bonus, 4s invisibility
1. -15s CDHero propels himself forward receiving a movement speed bonus and invisibility for a brief period of time.
2. +1 m/s bonus
3. +4s invisibility
Concept: Command dash for juking/assassinations/setting up alpha blade or with 3, taking advantage of innate invisibility for wall cling assassinations/shenanigans.
Ability 3 Passive: Blood Sport
-25% movement slow, -10% bullet resist 4s debuff duration
Damaging enemies with melee attacks applies movement slow and rends their armor, lowering bullet resist.
1. Striking enemies with any melee attack reveals their location to hero (duration 15s)
2. Bullet resist debuff -20%
3. Allows entire team to see enemy silhouette for a brief amount of time. (duration 15s)
Concept: Melee version of bounty hunter's track. Enables nastier picks on carries.
Ability 4: Deadman's Switch
5s duration when activated, 30m mouse3 teleport. 3s invisibility.
When activated, Hero takes 75% less damage from the initial attack that activates the cloak. Drops a corpse, removes all status effects and debuffs. 65% damage reduction while under special ult invisibility. Press MOUSE3 to teleport Hero within 1m randomly overhead of enemy that activated ult.
1. 100% damage reduction when activated from initial attack.
2. +3 m/s movement speed bonus while under special ult invisibility.
3. -20s CD
Concept: More or less a direct port of the Dead Ringer from TF2. New ability to press MOUSE3 a few seconds after activation to teleport randomly close to enemy that activated ult, within 30M. Promotes maximum chaos behind front lines thanks to Alpha blade and tumble to extend juke/picks. To keep the ult within reason, could make it a bit more obvious when this is activated, something like a red sheen over the character model or etc, a noticeable sound when activated, etc.
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