Hero Idea: Mid-range Debuffer that can transform into close-range threat - Sire


New member
This character has been keeping me up at night. I want to be free.

Appearance and theming: Has the look of a stereotypical conman, with certain details hinting at magical effects. Is carrying a wide assortment of curses from around the world in his body at all times, willingly.

Gun: Cane, 1-2 burst-fire, second bullet flies faster and does most of the damage. Alt-fire is a spreadshot.

Archetype: Mid-range debuffer that temporarily transforms into close-range threat. Something like Dota's Venomancer with a Lycan ultimate.

1: Curse of Injury
Shoots out a cone in front of you, dealing damage and Shredding Bullet and Spirit Resists.
Transformed: The cone is shorter, and Steals Shredded Resists
[Tier 1: Reduced Cooldown]
[Tier 2: More Shred]
[Tier 3: While Transformed, also steals a flat amount of max health from enemies]

2: Curse of Dunes
Sends out a slow moving spiral of sand, dealing damage and applies a Slow on enemies it passes through.
Transformed: Circles you in an Aura for the slow's duration and you last longer in the air, falling slower.
[Tier 1: Increased Radius]
[Tier 2: Increased Duration]
[Tier 3: While Transformed, gives Slowed Move speed to you]

3: Bearer's Burden
Removes all debuffs from nearby allies and applying them to you. Debuffs are Weakened on you and affected Allies for their duration.
Transformed: Refresh debuff durations on nearby enemies.
[Tier 1: Strenghtened Dampening Effect]
[Tier 2: Reduced Cooldown]
[Tier 3: While Transformed, passively weakens debuffs on yourself]

4: Curse of Camazotz
Transforms into a large Hellbat, becoming silenced for a few seconds, and when it ends your Abilities are Refreshed. For the duration of this transformation, has altered base statistics, Enemies take more damage from you within a Radius and abilities are Empowered. Can be ended early.
[Tier 1: While Transformed, gain more Health]
[Tier 2: While Transformed, gain Movespeed]
[Tier 3: While Transformed, gain stamina recovery, and your movement actions are improved]

I'll be looking at this post regularly, so please be honest about your thoughts on this, mechanically or otherwise.
I like the concept of buffing/debuffing with curses. But would like to see 3 curses instead where the ultimate does something with them.
The 3th ability could be a curse and the ultimate a mix between 3 and 4.

Also the naming of the abilities could come from history and mythology. Curse of Dunes could be called Pharaoh's Curse as a reference to Egypt valley of the kings, where opening a burial tomb was thought to curse the person for life.
I like the concept of buffing/debuffing with curses. But would like to see 3 curses instead where the ultimate does something with them.
The 3th ability could be a curse and the ultimate a mix between 3 and 4.

Also the naming of the abilities could come from history and mythology. Curse of Dunes could be called Pharaoh's Curse as a reference to Egypt valley of the kings, where opening a burial tomb was thought to curse the person for life.
Agreed on the naming thing, because they are actually based on those, funnily enough. The first one is wishing for someone's harm with envious looks, the second is as described, while the Ultimate is a mix between Vampirism and Lycanthropy, with an Mayan thematic.

As for the third ability, it's a legacy ability from when I first started the concept and his base form was more supportive, giving buffs and such and inverting them when ulting. Not particularly attached to it, but it does fit the theme of curses, including yourself. Perhaps for a third curse, something relating to misfortune? Or simply a "be careful what you wish for" sort?
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The first one is wishing for someone's harm with envious looks, the second is as described, while the Ultimate is a mix between Vampirism and Lycanthropy, with an Mayan thematic.
The first one could be a Japanese curse. There is one where you wish for misfortune or death to a person.
Ushi no Koku Mairi is what its called, but a shorter and better name would probably be Noroi the general word used for supernatural misfortune, curses, and evil magic.
The first one could be a Japanese curse. There is one where you wish for misfortune or death to a person.
Ushi no Koku Mairi is what its called, but a shorter and better name would probably be Noroi the general word used for supernatural misfortune, curses, and evil magic.
I was thinking more about the Evil Eye for the first one, a very old symbol for quite a simple concept, fitting for a main damage spell.
The curse you mentioned sounds a lot more ritualistic. Perhaps a more delayed effect, or one with preparation involved would be interesting, turning more insidious when in Hellbat form? Most curses aren't fast acting, after all, and supposing 3 and 4 are fused, there would be a slot for another spell open.
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I was thinking more about the Evil Eye for the first one, a very old symbol for quite a simple concept, fitting for a main damage spell.
The curse you mentioned sounds a lot more ritualistic. Perhaps a more delayed effect, or one with preparation involved would be interesting, turning more insidious when in Hellbat form? Most curses aren't fast acting, after all, and supposing 3 and 4 are fused, there would be a slot for another spell open.
Noroi - could be a slow acting curse where you place candles on the ground as ritual and then within a time limit select a player and locking onto them with a ghostly beam. You have to stay close to the enemy and keep the crosshair on them. For example the duration of the beam is 10 seconds, and if you keep the ghostly connection for 5 seconds you finish the ritual.
The target will then be teleported to where you placed the ritual (in the middle of your team, under a walker, etc)

Activation 2 second channel time for the ritual to start.
10 second active window where you have to select a target.
After selecting a target, 10 seconds to keep the 5 second beam connection.
Noroi - could be a slow acting curse where you place candles on the ground as ritual and then within a time limit select a player and locking onto them with a ghostly beam. You have to stay close to the enemy and keep the crosshair on them. For example the duration of the beam is 10 seconds, and if you keep the ghostly connection for 5 seconds you finish the ritual.
The target will then be teleported to where you placed the ritual (in the middle of your team, under a walker, etc)

Activation 2 second channel time for the ritual to start.
10 second active window where you have to select a target.
After selecting a target, 10 seconds to keep the 5 second beam connection.
Surprisingly fitting power budget wise, as it is replacing his original strongest base ability, while also giving air space for a ritualistic curse.

As for a Hellbat version, I have two ideas, one minor (no power budget alteration to the base) and a major (The base spell would be weaker somehow), here they are:

Minor version: The beam requires more time, but dealing damage shortens the wait until the teleport.
Major version: You are the target of the ritual, and you can take someone with you if you deal enough damage to them before the ritual ends. This would require some kind of maximum range, higher cooldown, or the like.

Both versions incentivize you to get close, and keeps the theme of a "condition" to activate a powerful displacement effect, a misfortune, if you will.