Active member
Skill 1: Explosive Skateboard
Throws a skateboard that explodes on impact dealing spiritual damage.
Damage: 100 (★x1.5)
Radius: 6m
Cooldown: 28s
1AP: -10s cooldown
2AP: +120 damage
5AP: Stuns for 1s
Skill 2: Skateboard
Hop on your skateboard, gaining movement speed and dealing bonus spiritual damage per shot.
Damage: 5 (★x0.2)
Movement Speed: +4m/s
Duration: 12s
Cooldown: 42s
1AP: -10s cooldown
2AP: +4 bonus spiritual damage
5AP: +25% ballistic and spiritual lifesteal while on the skateboard
Skill 3: Barrier
Creates a barrier that grants a spiritual shield. While the shield exists, it periodically deals spiritual damage to nearby enemies.
Damage: 30 per second (★0.6)
Shield: 200 (★2.0)
Radius: 5m
Duration: 7s
Cooldown: 32s
1AP: +4s duration
2AP: +200 spiritual shield
5AP: +5m radius
Skill 4: Cashout (Passive)
Defeating enemy heroes while wearing the skateboard grants bonus ballistic damage and souls.
Ballistic damage: +0.5 per enemy hero killed.
Bonus souls: +250 per enemy hero killed.
1AP: +2% ballistic resistance per enemy hero killed
2AP: +0.5 ballistic damage per enemy hero killed
5AP: +500 additional souls per enemy hero killed
Weapon (M1)
Ballistic damage: 4 (+0.4 per boon)
Bullets per second: 15
Damage per second: 60
Falloff range: 20m -> 40m
Bullet speed: 511m/s
Ammo: 30 (★x0.5)
Reload time: 2.4s
Maximum health: 550 (+30 per boon)
Health regeneration: 2
Resist: 0%
Movement speed: 7 (★x0.023)
Running speed: 1
Stamina: 3
Illustrative image generated by AI:

Throws a skateboard that explodes on impact dealing spiritual damage.
Damage: 100 (★x1.5)
Radius: 6m
Cooldown: 28s
1AP: -10s cooldown
2AP: +120 damage
5AP: Stuns for 1s
Skill 2: Skateboard
Hop on your skateboard, gaining movement speed and dealing bonus spiritual damage per shot.
Damage: 5 (★x0.2)
Movement Speed: +4m/s
Duration: 12s
Cooldown: 42s
1AP: -10s cooldown
2AP: +4 bonus spiritual damage
5AP: +25% ballistic and spiritual lifesteal while on the skateboard
Skill 3: Barrier
Creates a barrier that grants a spiritual shield. While the shield exists, it periodically deals spiritual damage to nearby enemies.
Damage: 30 per second (★0.6)
Shield: 200 (★2.0)
Radius: 5m
Duration: 7s
Cooldown: 32s
1AP: +4s duration
2AP: +200 spiritual shield
5AP: +5m radius
Skill 4: Cashout (Passive)
Defeating enemy heroes while wearing the skateboard grants bonus ballistic damage and souls.
Ballistic damage: +0.5 per enemy hero killed.
Bonus souls: +250 per enemy hero killed.
1AP: +2% ballistic resistance per enemy hero killed
2AP: +0.5 ballistic damage per enemy hero killed
5AP: +500 additional souls per enemy hero killed
Weapon (M1)
Ballistic damage: 4 (+0.4 per boon)
Bullets per second: 15
Damage per second: 60
Falloff range: 20m -> 40m
Bullet speed: 511m/s
Ammo: 30 (★x0.5)
Reload time: 2.4s
Maximum health: 550 (+30 per boon)
Health regeneration: 2
Resist: 0%
Movement speed: 7 (★x0.023)
Running speed: 1
Stamina: 3
Illustrative image generated by AI: