Since Valve er developing this. I would love to see Gordon Freeman as a playable character in the game. Maybe making him more of a brawler character like Abram.
"The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world."
DPS: 60
Light Melee: 68
Heavy Melee: 122
Health: 550
Stamina: 3
Bullet Per Second: 5
Bullet Damage: 11
Ammo: 18
In his main hand he should be wielding the classic 9mm Pistol from HL2. (This could also be changed to the .357 Magnum, to add more damage per round but lesser ammo capacity and BPS, could work better for a close range character)
Off-hand should be his classic crowbar.
Primary Fire: Shooting his 9mm, a little faster than Dynamo.
Secondary Fire: Use 6 ammo charges and throws a grenade that does small aoe damage (Like Yamato's secondary)
Uncharged / Charged Melee: Swings his Crowbar
1. Resonance Cascade
Gordon deploys a device that creates a small field of chaotic energy around him, dealing damage over time (20 damage per second) to nearby enemies and slowing them by 30%. The field lasts for 5 seconds, and during this time, Gordon's movement speed is increased by 20%. Cooldown: 18 seconds.
2. Grav Gun
Gordon uses the Gravity Gun to pull an enemy towards him. If an enemy is pulled, they are momentarily stunned (1 second) and take minor damage (25 damage). This ability has a medium cooldown (12 seconds).
3. HEV Overcharge
Gordon overcharges his HEV suit, temporarily increasing his resilience. For the next 6 seconds, Gordon gains a bonus 150 temporary health and a 20% reduction to incoming bullet and spirit damage. During this time, his movement speed is slightly reduced by 10% due to the added power drain on his suit. The temporary health is the first to absorb damage and fades after the ability duration if not depleted.
4. Crowbar Frenzy
Gordon enters a state of heightened aggression, rapidly swinging his crowbar with increased attack speed and damage. Each swing during this time has a chance to critically strike, dealing double damage. Additionally, while in this state, Gordon is immune to crowd control effects, and gains 20% movement speed. Duration: 10 seconds, Cooldown: 60 seconds.
Gordon Freeman is more of a brawler character that excel in close-quarters combat, with his kit giving him the ability to initiate fights with his gap closing abilities. Gravity Manipulator could be used to disrupt enemies or reposition them for a advantage. The Resonance Cascade would allow him to control space and punish enemies who stay too close for too long, while his ultimate, HEV Overcharge for mitigating burst damage and surviving in the midst of team fights or 1v1's, allowing him to stay on the front lines longer, Crowbar Frenzy, would make him a menace in melee range, allowing him to deal significant damage and chase the enemies down.
Since Valve er developing this. I would love to see Gordon Freeman as a playable character in the game. Maybe making him more of a brawler character like Abram.
"The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world."
DPS: 60
Light Melee: 68
Heavy Melee: 122
Health: 550
Stamina: 3
Bullet Per Second: 5
Bullet Damage: 11
Ammo: 18
In his main hand he should be wielding the classic 9mm Pistol from HL2. (This could also be changed to the .357 Magnum, to add more damage per round but lesser ammo capacity and BPS, could work better for a close range character)
Off-hand should be his classic crowbar.
Primary Fire: Shooting his 9mm, a little faster than Dynamo.
Secondary Fire: Use 6 ammo charges and throws a grenade that does small aoe damage (Like Yamato's secondary)
Uncharged / Charged Melee: Swings his Crowbar
1. Resonance Cascade
Gordon deploys a device that creates a small field of chaotic energy around him, dealing damage over time (20 damage per second) to nearby enemies and slowing them by 30%. The field lasts for 5 seconds, and during this time, Gordon's movement speed is increased by 20%. Cooldown: 18 seconds.
2. Grav Gun
Gordon uses the Gravity Gun to pull an enemy towards him. If an enemy is pulled, they are momentarily stunned (1 second) and take minor damage (25 damage). This ability has a medium cooldown (12 seconds).
3. HEV Overcharge
Gordon overcharges his HEV suit, temporarily increasing his resilience. For the next 6 seconds, Gordon gains a bonus 150 temporary health and a 20% reduction to incoming bullet and spirit damage. During this time, his movement speed is slightly reduced by 10% due to the added power drain on his suit. The temporary health is the first to absorb damage and fades after the ability duration if not depleted.
4. Crowbar Frenzy
Gordon enters a state of heightened aggression, rapidly swinging his crowbar with increased attack speed and damage. Each swing during this time has a chance to critically strike, dealing double damage. Additionally, while in this state, Gordon is immune to crowd control effects, and gains 20% movement speed. Duration: 10 seconds, Cooldown: 60 seconds.
Gordon Freeman is more of a brawler character that excel in close-quarters combat, with his kit giving him the ability to initiate fights with his gap closing abilities. Gravity Manipulator could be used to disrupt enemies or reposition them for a advantage. The Resonance Cascade would allow him to control space and punish enemies who stay too close for too long, while his ultimate, HEV Overcharge for mitigating burst damage and surviving in the midst of team fights or 1v1's, allowing him to stay on the front lines longer, Crowbar Frenzy, would make him a menace in melee range, allowing him to deal significant damage and chase the enemies down.
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