Hero Idea: "Equinox"


New member
Equinox is a Sorcerer apprentice balancing his attuned elements of ice and fire.

Primary - Semi-auto firing elemental projectiles of his current attuned element

Ability 1 - Fire blast/Ice Sphere [Fire blast - Fire a shotgun like spread of fire in front of you dealing a burst of damage] [Ice Sphere - Summon an orb on the ground which expands in a dome slowing players caught as it expands and eventually exploding dealing burst damage]

Ability 2 - Eruption/Mist [Eruption - Summon a volcanic eruption from the ground in a small area of effect circle knocking up himself, allies and enemies, Equinox travels further upward when only he and no one else is launched. [Mist - Create a small wall covered in cold mist, the wall acts as cosmic veils that neither team can see through but may shoot through both ways]

Ability 3 - Heat up/Cool down [Heat up - Equinox heats himself up gaining temporary bonus Damage steroid and allowing his abilities/autos to apply "Ignite"] [Cool down - Equinox cools himself down gaining temporary resistance and small shields]

Ability 4 - Equinox Shift [Equinox Shift - Equinox attunes himself to Fire/Ice gaining new abilities attuned to that element.

Each Ability shares a cooldown which its other. Meaning you cannot cast Fire blast then switch to ice and follow up with Ice sphere.

Equinox gains bonuses as he attunes with his current element after using his spells [Fire attunement - Speed increase with cooldown reduction. (MAX ATTUNEMENT- Equinox loses control of his flames [Take ignite damage increase damage taken from all sources] ------ [Ice attunement - Resistance increase with spirit Life steal. (MAX ATTUNEMENT - Equinox loses control of his ice (Short self silence and Movement speed penalty]

I'll have Expertly crafted MS Paint pictures linked to the "meter system I would have in mind"

-------------------------------------------------------------------------[My thought process]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- I want players to use his full kit, i don't want people to make builds and never touch one half of his side, which is why i implemented the Cons of overusing his abilities

- "shapeshifter heroes" do come a dime a dozen in MOBAS I'd agree these days. but a lot of them don't really synergize the full kit. typically they want you to full combo with one form, then switch to whatever abilities you have left to finish the target off. I wanted to bring more utility sense in a hero (Ex. Mist, Eruption). as well as being able to combo both forms together (Ex. Eruption knock-up into ice sphere) to show off more creative gameplay

- "The hard part" In a game like deadlock where abilities aren't restrained by a mana bar and only cooldowns as well as all the items that can interact with abilities, having 2 full sets of abilities can be "overloaded" which is true. I'd love to see viable option to balance it around and not make it feel so overwhelming to deal with, whether it be a "numbers balancing game" or what not. My current bandage fix is simply to just lock the abilities out of the other form when you use it (Ex. can't use Fire blast and Ice blast, one must wait from the others Cooldown).

- "if you don't want people to just use 1 form why give bonuses to the form from staying in it" ---- I think there would be alot of skill expression and showmanship for someone to find a perfect balance of the hero and being able to eventually with enough cooldown reduction or such, stay in the "good zone" of their preferred element. I think "High skill ceiling heroes" are great in MOBAS and a lot of fun, as long as they dont feel too overwhelming to face. I don't want him to become a "this hero has an answer for everything" type, He should excel in what your playstyle plays for.


Hey guys thanks for reading this. The idea of ice and fire balance is nothing new I'm sure we all know, but it is a design I've thought about for a long time and always wanted to be able to show. I've always been interested in hero designs (Primarily for MOBAS) and just thought I'd try to show one off.

I'm absolutely open to changes and new ideas you'd like to see improved off this base design I've made and hope you enjoyed


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