New member
Appearance: This stout bearded fellow has been transformed by his time in the mountains, growing spiraling horns. He wears a dirty white sweater with sleeves rolled up, brown overalls, a bowtie, and a backpack that carries rope, his trusty ice pick, an iron pan, and miscellaneous other bags. When he isn't scowling, you can see a wooden tooth in his crooked grin.
Weapon: Mountaineer carries a modified high caliber blunderbuss pistol. The fire rate and reload are slow, but it packs a big punch!
Ability 1- Rockslide
Mountaineer slides forward until he hits an obstacle. He damages the ground as he slides, leaving a line of difficult terrain behind him that slows others when walking across. Mountaineer can shoot while he is sliding. Stops if he hits another hero.
Ability 2- Parkour
Mountaineer is passively able to climb up walls using stamina, unable to attack while doing so. When activated, he jumps and crushes the ground where he lands dealing damage and knocking up enemies in a small radius. Both damage and knock up time are increased based on distance traveled.
Ability 3- Bone to Pick
Mountaineer throws his ice pick, damaging units in a line. Damage is increased depending on his modifiers to melee damage. The pick stays on the ground and may be picked up to greatly reduce cooldown. Castable while using rockslide and parkour. Bone to pick passively increases his melee damage when he has his pick on his person.
Ultimate- cliff swing
Mountaineer shoots a massive harpoon, dealing massive damage to minions and latching onto the first hero or surface hit. He then gets pulled to the harpoon, and swings himself in the direction he is facing, dealing another instance of damage and knocking back any enemy he touches along the way.
Weapon: Mountaineer carries a modified high caliber blunderbuss pistol. The fire rate and reload are slow, but it packs a big punch!
Ability 1- Rockslide
Mountaineer slides forward until he hits an obstacle. He damages the ground as he slides, leaving a line of difficult terrain behind him that slows others when walking across. Mountaineer can shoot while he is sliding. Stops if he hits another hero.
Ability 2- Parkour
Mountaineer is passively able to climb up walls using stamina, unable to attack while doing so. When activated, he jumps and crushes the ground where he lands dealing damage and knocking up enemies in a small radius. Both damage and knock up time are increased based on distance traveled.
Ability 3- Bone to Pick
Mountaineer throws his ice pick, damaging units in a line. Damage is increased depending on his modifiers to melee damage. The pick stays on the ground and may be picked up to greatly reduce cooldown. Castable while using rockslide and parkour. Bone to pick passively increases his melee damage when he has his pick on his person.
Ultimate- cliff swing
Mountaineer shoots a massive harpoon, dealing massive damage to minions and latching onto the first hero or surface hit. He then gets pulled to the harpoon, and swings himself in the direction he is facing, dealing another instance of damage and knocking back any enemy he touches along the way.