Hero Idea: Chemist/Mad Scientist


New member
Considering the game is taking place in the early 1900s a chemist/mad scientist fits the timeline.

Primary: Throws potions to the enemy, when landing the potions would splatter across the floor still ticking damage to the enemy but not slowing down the enemy. It would also be splash dmg. (9 potions to throw with a reload of about 4.5 seconds)

Throws a flurry of potions causing the enemy to be blind for 3 seconds. (Does do splash damage and applies if multiple enemies are hit)

2) Throws a potion when exploded releases a gas cloud that does poison damage to the enemy once stepped in and damage stacks the longer they stay in the gas cloud.

3) Drink Potion that buffs reload time, fire rate, and speed

4) ULT: Drinks one of his potions becoming a beast. Tripling his HP, Melee-ing, and pushing enemies back while being very quick and still having the ability to dash but cannot use his primary his other abilities.
I like the idea of a mad scientist, but the abilities could be more interesting and complex, like having a set of potions and combining them to create new effects, like the Invoker from Dota, or the spell weaving in Spellbreak.