Evil Mad Scientist

With the advent of occultist and supernatural behavior, this mad scientist (Identity unknown) has devoted his life to the impossible; Resurrecting the DEAD! Using his years of medical knowledge, this doctor has achieved the impossible and has discovered the secret to near immortality through reanimation. Now employed by the patron, he uses his abilities to support his team and even bring them back.

Ability 1 Worthless Minion: He uses his medical knowledge, plus a little magic, to reanimate a ghoul to pester the enemy. Acts like a normal creep, but doesn't drop any souls upon death. Will eventually return to the grave after a period of time. Lowers cooldown, buffs ghoul, and spawns additional ghouls with levels.

Ability 2 Noxious Flask: He throws down a flask of putrid chemicals that damages enemies in an area. The damage increases the longer they are in it by stacking spirit vulnerability. Gets larger, more charges, and additional slow with levels.

Ability 3 Experimental syringe: He injects an ally or enemy with a syringe filled with a mysterious concoction. It has varying effects based on the subject, buffing allies, and applying harmful effects to enemy heroes. When used on a ghoul, they would become much stronger and gain additional attacks and abilities.

Ability 4 ITS ALIVE!!!!: His magnum opus, his greatest achievement, life in it's purest form. He brings an ally back from their early death, and back to complete the ritual. They gain a small shield at higher levels.

His main attack would be a hitscan raygun that can be charged to deal extra damage. He would have less than average health and would probably lack base sprint speed. Would behave as a support / healer, that can easily apply pressure through his 1st and 2nd abilities, and keep the fight going with his 3rd ability and ultimate. The design is based heavily on 1920's science fiction, and movies like Frankenstien. Doesn't have to play heavily into the tropes though.

An example of what I imagine him looking like (mind the use of stock images, I can't draw well):

imagine a Dr. Frankenstein costume with text written all over it