Wunderich, the crazy Alchemist


New member

Did crazy experiments with the portals and beings from other worlds, wanting to create a portion of eternal youth. Things went wrong, now he needs a stick to walk and throws potions everywhere.

Look: has grey hair, green eyes and an extremely long, grey beard. His hair and beard is fuzzy, he's missing some teeth and has a crazy look on his grumpy-grandpa-face. His long cloak, shirt and pants are fading out in green colour, becoming grey/brown and being ragged cause it's the only clothes Wunderich wears. He walks barefoot.

He has 500 life at the beginning.

His wand that he uses for walking. Shoots magical bullets, but after 6 single shots the wand gets too heavy and he needs to put it down for 3 seconds. The wand functions like a shotgun and shoots two magical bullets at a time (2 times 6 = 12 until reload).

1: healing potion. Does the obvious (amount of heal and range get increased by upgrading, maybe adding life steal)

2: acid potion. Deals damage over time (damage and range get increased by upgrading, at stage 3 the acid slows the enemy)

3: the wand. Can use his wand to cast a magic storm that builds itself up among enemies and minions, which causes them to loose vision

4. Ult. Wunderich uses his wand as a pogo-jumping-stick and bounces around three times, dealing damage to enemies and minions (damage gets increased by upgrading, at stage 3 the enemies gets tunned)