Hero(es?): The Twins

Picses-ish "two headed" (think HotS Cho'Gall) leashed together character as the Lasso of Truth's rope spline-filling each's half (a leg, a hand & (forking at the heart) the head. Lightly animated fading waves edge these extremities' texture's opacity) not the Greco-Roman statue they share limb pieces of. They punch with the statues' hands and carry simple six-shooters in the others.

Actually-a-that-way: Shared charge pool. A Twin swaps its position relative about the other, spool-and-un-so-ing themselves to "move" to 180d about their partner from where they were (the statue pieces simply fall from A and rise from B)

Concrete Jungle: Unique cooldowns. The Twins' leash contracts while one performs a short vault before launching the other by swinging them about themselves to be then (loony toons holding here on the leash lengthen) pulled along. Until both land they gain increased lateral mobility and the ability to grab horizontal surfaces for pendulum physics

The One-Two: Passive. Slow + damage connection passive (slow by connector, damage by tagger)

Their First Rodeo: The Twins briefly gain speed and their leash the ability to catch enemies. Any enemies completely encircled are pulled together and stunned

WDYT? C&C appreciated. Old man seeks internship
Changes on reflection:

The first ability's charges are a miss: New UI for a mechanic that overlaps with an existing one (regular charges, which would need a specialized disable) to create mushy counterplay. Only the ultimate needs a shared cooldown.

The second ability's name would be better as 'Moonshot' but jinxes etc.

And lastly, the six-shooters are awkward because they have nowhere to pull bullets from to reload (mirror-matching bandoliers?) - Better as finger guns (sorry Infernus) but maybe with a more relaxed posture like York's Constantine statue.
Of course this mess would need so many nerf-shovel-to-the-faces it would make meepos' nose look pointy. Here's a way to flesh it out:

Also release with seasonal (Merasm-ish? Twins buff up, else shop quest) 3 player character: Once a trifortnight The Fates are available.
If at least one is far enough away and two are alive they only HotS Leoric die (reborn younger, appropriate others vis-only aging up). The ultimate is a bad self-centered McG's channeled for life. But fully channeled with the rejuv by all three in mid grants a nazgul form (keepaway stat boost) and summons the patron as a literal-arms battlesphere one randomly (can pass) possesses. Basic abilities idk but here goes:
1. Magically claw the air (unique per)
2. Transposition with a Fate younger than yourself who has n sec to refuse and swap back
3. Die, leaving a pool of magic heal/spitting plants on the ground
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Wood theme for the Fates. Visual cue three cloaks on a Dryad Arbor (grow-walk too hard?) slinging seedspitters. No transpose or mobility. Root-ing braid projectile pairs with claw (which stacks a buff on kills & outlived Fates)
Death ability channels out payoffs. Quest complete non-gods get hulk lucy-bloom baby Fate does free on ult

Seasonality can swap
Mechanical sum up:
Stuns are unique, stamina is unique, health is shared, and move speed is donated while the leash is extended (discounting opposing motion or an immobilized partner)

Scene Change is fine as an escape, emphasizing relying on your teammate while they survive being leash-distance-bound to your new spawn. A skill skylight on the Meepo for 2.
Moonshot is not the spiderman fantasy's best home so nix grabs. But a charged-by-button-hold version has good play: Above the threshold to be pulled into a lasso swing, the thrown Twin's launch speed scales further and the throwing Twin's subsequent by much less (giving players a break from Chained Together and opening a fun your-turn yank from the thrown Twin after landing). Below that threshold the 'thrown' Twin just gains so much velocity toward the other.
The One Two in detail: A mirrored, mutually exclusive per twin, on-hit stacking debuff is built up by being shot by one and then removed (for damage & a slow) by being shot by the other. To encourage taking turns, a stack of either debuff being removed prevents for some time gaining any more of that one. The damage and slow waiting to be applied until that window's conclusion would make a convenient signal for the other Twin to once again go at it.
Their First Rodeo should only catch enemies in a moving root until they're fully encircled. And upgrading to share dashes could make for an exciting mess.
Feelsbad fix on the undercharged Moonshot: Momentum lost on jumping into its air hold is returned after only pulling the other Twin closer
Finally, there is a just-eat-it animation on fleeing (or an ankle hop on backing up from*) a trapped partner or on running too far from a twin's cast of: Scene Change doubles as a reset for geometry-trapped pairs, the leash just no-clips, & enemies are volume-checked to be leashed to a tension-solved common combo-exit point
Bot gives "hello" testimony before queueing. Final write:

The tether cannot be shot. Buffs, debuffs, purges, health, & stamina (big pool over two exclusives) are shared. They are directionally bound by their rope & heel-hop at extension or fall over re momentum. Atlas of a character challenge
Scene Change starts with a pulse of light from the caster's head that runs along the rope to the other's. All at once the caster plus their rope fade (Achilles mini-hitbox? Pieces fall while the fade pipe-screensavers out) and a mote of light appears 'position opposite' about the other Twin from where the caster is/was on the line between them at that moment. Rope snake-curl grows (torso's fill interpolates after & through rotating + stretching) to the mote as new statue pieces rise to it too before respawn
Their First Rodeo carries charges with a moderate cooldown. The Twins' rope glows. It now stuns & pulls enemies like a shared lasso. 5p 360s do heavy spirit damage
Moonshot needs its button held past so many thresholds. It begins with a jump to a looney tunes hold of an awkward-fall height (@Warden?) and scales from a quick yank for an execution dash to a full turn into lean-back-spin before releasing to launch. The rope stretches throughout after extension jerks momentum into the caster who drifts along while the other glow-show speeds up after the reciprocal jerk back before superhero landing, turning to grab, & two-frame yank-pulling-in. Caster's super speed's end upgrades to a big ground strike.
The One Two is a buff ultimate. Whichever Twin shoots first builds up their stacks, applications past a threshold enabling a smooth transition from one Twin's to the other's as they remove or apply stacks. Damage with their guns reward volleyballing of these thresholds with damage, a silence, & a slow. Creep extend duration & kills refresh its cooldown