[Hero] Doc Tower


Doc Tower
(A friendly surgeon with just a little blood on their scrubs)

Weapon - Syringe Gun:
Slow Poison (Bullets deal their damage over 3s instead of instantly)
12 Ammo, 3 Bullets Per Second, 36 Bullet Damage, 1.65 Reload Time, 25-75 Meter Damage Fall Off Range, 330 m/s Bullet Velocity.

Launches a needle that sticks into the first unit it hits for 6s. If the unit it hostile, they take 50 spirit DPS, and you heal that much. If the unit is an ally, you take the DPS and they heal instead. The transfusion tube breaks if you move more than 30 meters away from them, ending it early.
30 Meter Range, 18s CD.
LvL 1: +15 Meter break range.
LvL 2: Transfused ally/enemy receive +/- 20% MS.
LvL 5: +5% Current HP transfused per second.

Lethal Injection: Injects the target enemy with a devastating cocktail that instantly kills non-hero units. Enemy heroes take 19% of their max health as spirit damage instead, and their stamina is reduced to 0 for 5s.
1 Meter Range, 45s CD.
LvL 1: +2s Duration.
LvL 2: +6% Max health damage.
LvL 5: -15s CD.

Graft: Graft an extra arm onto yourself or the target ally hero, which periodically delivers a melee attack on a nearby enemy every 3s for 21s. If it's attack is parried, the arm is destroyed.
1 Meter Range, 1s Cast Time, 35s CD.
LvL 1: Target lifesteals 20% of arm's damage.
LvL 2: -0.75s Arm attack interval.
LvL 5: 22% Chance for arm's attack to stun for 0.75s.

Anabolic Rage:
Has 3 charges. Fire a large auto-syringe filled with battle stims into the first ally it hits, preventing them from dying for 6s. They gain +25% rate of fire, reload speed, and unit size per syringe. Syringes stick 0.5 meters out of the ally, and shatter if hit by a bullet (Blocks the bullet)
75 Meter Range, 60s Charge Replenish, 1s CD.
LvL 1: Pauses Graft's duration and prevents the arm from dying.
LvL 2: +30% Melee range/damage amp.
LvL 5: +5 Max/current stamina.
(You can shoot yourself in the foot with the syringe if you aim all the way)