[HERO CONCEPT] Noir - The Swan


New member
NOIR (The swan)
Character design: A doll ballerina, sewn mouth and button eyes, long string hair and a white/black ballerina tutu. Tall and lanky, elegant movent but also very creepy and Jerky movements.

Lore: A famous ballerina by a name unknown, wanted to solidify their excellence forever. Visiting countless voodoo doctors and spiritualist until she came across one that was capable of performing a soul swapping ritual. The doctor created this ballerinas spitting image in doll form, but with sewn mouth and eyes, she said it was to stop the soul from escaping. The ballerina was forever immortalized inside this doll and now fights to please the patron in hopes that after hundreds of years, her soul will be set free.

Left click auto attack: Sew: Noir flings a volley of sewing needles forward (X amount) which strikes first enemies hit dealing X bullet damage.

Ability 1 Pirouette: Noir spins quickly pulling in enemies around her while dealing X spirit damage every 0.5 seconds over X seconds.
[Upgrade 1: Noir gains X movement speed while channeling Pirouette
Upgrade 2: Channel time of Pirouette increased by X seconds
Upgrade 3: Cooldown of Pirouette reduced by X seconds]

Ability 2 Tip Toe: Noir gains invisibility for X seconds, when taking action or being damaged Noir is revealed, upon exiting invisibility Noir gains X spirit damage on her Sew
[Upgrade 1: Increases invisibility duration of Tip Toe by X seconds
Upgrade 2: Reduces cool down of Tip Toe by X seconds
Upgrade 3: Upon being removed from invisibility, Noir gains X extra spirit, on top of extra spirit, Noir also gains massively increased Attack speed (X amount)

Ability 3 Spotlight: Put an enemy in the spotlight, causing them to take X spirit damage while they remain in the spotlight, the spotlight will slowly follow the nearest enemy hero at X meters/second. If there are no enemy heroes in a X meters radius, it will follow minions instead.
[Upgrade 1: Spotlight applies a X% movement speed slow to enemies
Upgrade 2: Spotlight Cooldown reduced by X seconds
Upgrade 3: Spotlight now causes enemies within it to take bonus damage from all sources (X amount)]

Ability 4 Last dance: Noir prepares for her last dance, taking target player into a shadow realm version of their current position where only Noir and the enemy hero exist. Players outside of the Last dance cannot see or interact with Noir or the enemy hero. Inside Last dance Noir gains increased Spirit (X amount) and bullet/spirit resistance (X amount)
[Upgrade 1: Increases Spirit and resistance gains by X% while within Last Dance
Upgrade 2: Reduces cool down of Last Dance by X%
Upgrade 3: Upon killing an enemy while within Last Dance, Noir gains permanent spirit damage (X amount). This counts for all kills within Last Dance even before this Upgrade is chosen]