Hero Concept: Narcissus

Hero Concept:
Narcissus is a hero who faces away from the cursor but looks into a mirror, looking at themselves and pointing the gun behind them.
I am imagining this as a minion hero in part because the game does not have many and in part because it fits the theme of being a narcissist.
Uses a handgun. Melee is swinging the mirror.

Hey Beautiful!
Has one charge. Ground targetted, has 30m range.
In a puff of smoke, summons a copy of Narcissus which travels to the area shooting the nearest target. Will target whatever the hero targets if within range, but continues to move.
Tier 1: Range
Tier 2: For every Narcissus or copy hitting an enemy, they take additional 2% additional.
Tier 3: Applying on hits.

Eye of the Beholder.
Narcissus turns away from his mirror and stuns nearby units who are facing him.
Tier 1: Slow after the stun.
Tier 2: Fire rate bonus.
Tier 3: Copies of Narcissus also use the ability.

Can't Run From Your Feelings.
Narcissus and his minions gain a slow on their attacks and a spirit damage based on distance the target is from him.
Talent 1: Magazine size.
Talent 2: Slow is stronger.
Talent 3: Greater spirit scaling.

Mirror mirror on the wall. Ultimate
Vector targetted ability.
Creates a mirror that resets range drop off for shots and provides line of sight (for abilities and mini map).
The idea is to create a safe way to spray into the enemy team as a glass cannon.
Alternatively, I think having the mirror share a portion of Narcissus health and redirect damage done to it to the nearest enemy, favouring heroes, may be more practical.
Tier 1:
Tier 2:
Tier 3:

I didn't put in numbers because I do not understand the game nearly enough to ball park.
The mirror idea may be too strong. Bullet drop off is about 22.5m and extending that in a largely close range game might be really problematic.
Thanks for reading.