Hero Concept: Kraken


New member

Background: Douglas was Reported Dead, lost at sea after his diving wire snapped in half leaving him stranded on the ocean floor. Rescue teams were unable to recover his body, he was declared dead after 6 months of searching. Douglas is dead.

Looks: He is wearing an old diving suit. The front window is transparent, and you can see his face. His eyes have a slight purple glow, and his face has a blank, dead look to it. The suit is covered in algae and seaweed, a black liquid seeps from the suit. His movement is stale, slightly robotic.


Voice sample:

View attachment Kraken Voice.mp4

Gun: This gun resembles a "Green Light Harpoon Gun" with a big crank on the side that the rope goes through so that he can reel people in. 1731027331014.png

Ability: 1

Load a harpoon firing it after a 1s delay which reels in the first hero hit pulling them towards you at a speed of Xm/s hold [1] or [mouse button] to hold the shot,
can fire while Reeling in

Upgrade: 1

duration increase

Upgrade: 2

Reel in speed increases with spirit

Upgrade: 3

slows and increases spirit life steal

Ability: 2

Increase spirit and bullet resistance for 7s and every X damage negated causes a spirit tentacle to lash out damaging the attacker

Upgrade 1:

increase max health

Upgrade 2:

Lower Damage negation threshold

Upgrade 3:

tentacles now lash out with all damage negated

Ability: 3

Smack enemies in front of you with a spirit tentacle doing light damage

Upgrade 1:

cooldown decrease

Upgrade 2:

Damage scales with madness

Upgrade 3:

two tentacles swing out

Ability: 4

Passive: sprit damage taken within the radius gives madness causing damage reduction and lowering spirit resistance every 5/10/20 stacks causing effects.

5 stacks causes slight decrease in FOV and slower stamina regen

10 stacks makes you unable to see enemy icons on the mini-map and cause phantom noises

20 stacks Makes spirit tentacles spawn around the enemy attacking them

30 stacks (Only attainable with 5ap upgrade) You go mad and die after 5 seconds
Upgrade 1:

Increase radius

Upgrade 2:

Increase damage

Upgrade 3:

Increase max stacks

Note: All the numbers and everything are merely placeholders and are meant purely to showcase the idea.
Daym,your concept looks a little bit alike
Daym,your concept looks a little bit alike
Seems we both think there needs to be a diving suit character in the game. Also I had not seen your Post so the design similarities are purely coincidence.