Hero Concept: King


New member
(Read in Patron voice) You knew the price of stardom, King. Your contract is up, and your crown is tarnished, but I can still give you control. Inspire your allies and dazzle our enemies, and when the deed is done maybe you can find your spark once again.

Character Design: Aging, grizzled rockstar. White fringe jacket fraying at the edges, emblazoned with the hood of a cobra across the back and shoulders. The pompadour shines more than the golden crown does, but King still rocks them both. Polished black boots give his step a distinctive squeak.

Weapon: Two-shot burst, 12 round magazine. Concept is a long rifle with a sort of backwards lever-action trigger that makes the firing process look like strumming a guitar, quickly firing one shot pushing the lever down and another pulling it back up to make the two-shot burst.

One for the Money – 1 Charge, Charges as King gains souls, 20m Range, 4 Second (x0.025scaling) buff.

Target an ally to apply a 1.5m/s movement speed and 30% attack speed buff. Can be cast on self.
  • 1 AP: +1 Charge
  • 2 AP: +1.5m/s speed buff and attack speed buff now scales with Spirit Power (x0.2 scaling)
  • 5 AP: One random additional nearby ally (prioritizing heroes) receives the buff when used.
Two for the Show – 45 Second cooldown, 15m (x0.75scaling) Radius.

Sets off fireworks that do 45 damage and apply a 20% (x0.25scaling) miss chance for 6 seconds to enemies in an area around King.
  • 1 AP: -15% Bullet Resist on effected enemies.
  • 2 AP: +45 damage.
  • 5 AP: King reloads 2 bullets for every enemy hit.
Power Chord – 30 Second cooldown

King slides forward after channeling for 1 second, releasing a burst of 100 (x0.7scaling) damage around his final location.
  • 1 AP: +30% Bullet and Spirit Resist during the channel and slide
  • 2 AP: -15 second cooldown.
  • 5 AP: +100 damage and releases a burst at both the beginning and end of the slide.
The Royal Coffers – Passive ability

King gains 2% interest per minute on his unspent souls.
  • 1 AP: King gains 25 HP per 1000 souls spent on Vitality items.
  • 2 AP: King gains 1 spirit power per 1000 souls spent on Spirit items.
  • 5 AP: King gains 0.5 weapon damage per 1000 souls spent on Weapon items.

A touch outside of the time period for the game, but I would be surprised if all the characters strictly conform to that anyways. The idea is for a harder carry sort of playstyle, leveraging risk reward in how you spend your souls. One for the Money is intended to reward efficient laning, while becoming a sort of engine once you have your ult online and the passive interest contributes to how quickly you build charges. Pretty unsure about where the right balance points would be on The Royal Coffers but concepts are concepts for a reason. Happy to hear feedback, I love doing concept stuff for different games so will probably be posting a few ideas as they come.
Neat concept, I get what you're going for, so I don't really see the point of having his Ability 1 be castable on allies. Whole design makes him seem like a very greedy type of carry, the one you probably wanna funnel farm into, and lore wise it'd make more sense to have his abilities not be castable on allies I feel, since he's really only here to get his fame back, that's a pretty selfish and miserable reason to be fighting demons, would be cool if his abilities reflected that completely
Neat concept, I get what you're going for, so I don't really see the point of having his Ability 1 be castable on allies. Whole design makes him seem like a very greedy type of carry, the one you probably wanna funnel farm into, and lore wise it'd make more sense to have his abilities not be castable on allies I feel, since he's really only here to get his fame back, that's a pretty selfish and miserable reason to be fighting demons, would be cool if his abilities reflected that completely
That's definitely fair about the first ability, I had a bit more utility oriented hero in mind when I first thought about it but then it really shifted when I realized how I wanted the ult to work alongside the charges so the ally targeting is a bit of an artifact of that. Thanks for the feedback