Hero Concept: Illusionist




His name long forgotten. Her appearance has never truly been seen. Their age is unknown.
Yet many know the Illusionist even if they think they have never met them. She has made his living
from being a con artist, a circus performer, doing party tricks at celebrations. you name it and they have most
likely had a finger in it. Currently however he is being hunted by the government for being a potential
massive security threat for the country. Being able to take anyone's identity with ease down to the height, weight and voice. She could easily get out of the country they are in currently, but the excitement from playing hide and seek with the government is too good to pass up for this mischievous enigmatic thing.


Primary attack:
Is a throwing knife that deals good damage, does not need to reload, but has a very slow firing speed.

Secondary attack: Pretend to do a heavy melee, if it connects it will deal no damage, neither will it trigger parry.

|| Few things are funnier then faking out against a panicking enemy ||


1st Ability: Replication

40 Sec CD

Active: when activating the ability gain a buff that lasts for X seconds. after the duration ends, when you re activate the ability
deploy an illusion that does every action that you did again during those X seconds. your illusions gun does full damage but it cannot cast abilities. you also gain stealth for 3 seconds (Scales with spirit) upon the re activation.

+3 sec on stealth
2: -15 sec CD
5: 20% more gun damage from the illusion + Spirit scaling on gun damage.

|| Deja vu ||


2nd Ability: Mirror image

15 sec CD
30 sec Duration

Active: Turn yourself into any allied hero that is visually for the enemy indistinguishable from the real thing.
while disguised your weapon becomes the same type as that hero and you can shoot, dash, jump, zipline and use abilities without losing the disguise.
using other abilities while in this form will only use yours and not the one you disguised as. using the 1st and 3rd ability while disguised will
make illusions of that disguise instead of your original form. Re activate to turn off the form.

10% bonus weapon damage while disguised
2: 2 m/s+ while disguised
5: 2+ base damage (Automatic weapons) or 6+ base damage (shotgun weapons)

|| Careful with what you share, you never know who is listening or even worse, who is actually in front of you ||


3rd Ability: Beyond the veil

30 sec CD
15 sec Duration
Range 20 Meters

you can see through on both sides of Cosmic veils.

Active: target a Cosmic veil and have an illusion walk out from the unseeable side. this illusion will start shooting the nearest enemy hero for 20% (scales with Spirit)
of the hero the illusion is based of. when targeting the Cosmic veil you can also issue a command before summoning the illusion. The illusion has 50% of the casters HP (scales with spirit)

Go towards urn
2: Go towards nearest teleporter
3: Push nearest lane
4: Go to nearest active shop and pretend to shop

:+10% HP
2:+1 charge
5:+7 sec duration

|| It will take more to fool this creature ||


4th Ability: Paranoia

120 sec CD
15 sec Duration
Range 200 meters

Active: Channel for 4 seconds. while the channeling happens, the enemy can hear an ominous sound/tune happening as a sound que.
Once the channeling succeeds every enemy within a 200 meter radius will be marked and be unable to see allies through walls.
while this mark is on there will also be illusions of allies near them going in to fight the enemy pretending to be the real person going in.
and for the illusionists team, there will be illusions of all of its allies pretending to be the real thing and goes in to fight the enemy heroes.

these illusions cannot do any damage but they will cast fake ultimates or use mobility items like majestic leap and blink to get to the enemy.
the illusions have 20% of the casters HP

Illusions will dash out of abilities if possible
2: Gives vision to the illusionist where enemies are through walls when marked. 4 sec duration.
5: Makes enemies unable to see via the Map

|| The climax is about to happen, and its called Paranoia ||


Thank you for reading!
please check out my other hero ideas!
The shape:

Grom and the Gang:

Revenant the lost soldier:

Goran the gambler: