Hero Concept: Goran the Gambler


Goran the Gambler

oh no!.jpg
(silly little AI image i generated for this)

Hailing from Serbia, Goran a gambling addict traveled to New York to strike it rich, at his lowest point during his "career" as a "professional" Gambler he met a demon that struck a deal with him, the deal was simple "Take this bag from me and good fortunes will come your way" he didn't think much of it but accepted the bag. shortly after his luck rose to an absurd amount, he kept on winning and became fairly wealthy.
He saw the bag as a lucky charm and never went around without it.
Eventually he surprisingly got content with the amount of earnings he got from winning and wanted to quit gambling and maybe open a business, however now that he wanted to quit, the true nature of the bag revealed itself. a cursed spirit that has been infused in the bag started whispering sweet sweet words into his mind making him gamble more and more, but now all of a sudden he started losing, losing and kept losing. Back to having nothing but the clothing he wore. he now tries to find a way to get rid of this bag while also fighting his gambling urges that the spirit keeps haunting him with.

This character does not have the ability to aim with Mouse 2, same as Yamato.
Instead he flips a coin and they are spent when doing X actions. he can carry up to 3
flipped coins at a time.

The coins consumed will cause the effect that has the most coins.
Example: if Head-Head-Tail. the 2x Heads effect will happen.
if Tail-Tail-Head. the 2x Tail effect will happen.

Goran will either laugh manically if he gets 3 heads or sound very concerned if 3 tails.

Primary attack: The bag Goran carries will manifest new weapons for him based
off how many tails or heads he currently has. the weapon is manifested when reloading, but
will consume all currently flipped coins.

All the weapons Dismantles after being emptied.

1 head: Pulls out a Zastava M80 that has a good base magazine and decent damage.
2 head: Pulls out a Pristine Zastava M80 that has an even bigger magazine and good damage.
3 head: Pulls out a M80 “Zolja" with a base "magazine" size of 1. and does Severe damage in a huge Area.

No coins: Pulls out a faulty Škorpion vz.61 that does decent damage and has a decent mag size.

1 Tail: Pulls out a slightly worse Škorpion vz.61 that has a smaller magazine size and worse bullet spread.
2 tail: Pulls out a Stielhandgranate, base "magazine" is 1 and can be thrown at any time. if melee is used while holding it, it will explode and do some self harm and knock you and the enemy back.
3 Tail: Pulls out a Stielhandgranate that is VERY dysfunctional, it will detonate in your hand within 2 seconds
of pulling it out. if melee is used while holding it, it will explode and do some self harm and knock you and the enemy back.

|| After the revelation on the true nature of the bag, even if the relationship is not ideal the spirit does give Goran "gifts" if he is willing to sate the spirits desire ||

Secondary Attack:
Flips a coin.
0.5 sec CD

Ability 1: Lucky shot.

Starts with 1 charge. 2 sec cd between charges.
30 sec CD.
20 Meter range

You throw out the last flipped coin and you can shoot it
while it is mid air. the effect will depend if its head or tails.

Head: will home in on the nearest enemy hero within LoS of the coin.
this coin will then trigger all on hit effects ( like ricochet or the charged shot)
and will bounce to 3 (scales with spirit) enemy heroes (it can return to the same hero multiple times)
and do X (scales with spirit) amount of bonus damage.

Tails: Will home in on an enemy hero, but will bounce back at you making you take full damage.
( will alternate between you and nearest enemy)
Bounces X times ( Scales with spirit) and does X Reduced self damage (scales with Spirit)

10m+ range on ricochet
2: 2+ targets
5: 200 heal on kill and self harm via skill is none lethal

|| Goran was always a crack shot and this amused The Spirit. The Spirit wants to see how much havoc they can cause together ||

Ability 2: Miracle elixir?

40 sec CD.

Pulls out a Flask from his bag.
Discards all current Coins and forces a 3 coin toss and a immediate use of the skill.

T* (tails)
H* (heads)

You take X (scales with spirit) Lethal poison damage for an X amount of duration.
T-T-H: You take X (scales with spirit) minor none lethal poison damage over X amount of duration.
T-H-H: you gain a decent X (scales with spirit) heal over time and a minor speed boost for an X duration.
H-H-H: you gain a Strong heal that heals X ( scales with spirit) plus % health over time and a strong speed boost
for an X duration.

1+ charge
2: Reduce CD by 25 sec
3: T-T-T gives a buff that makes it so that if you die from or while poison is on you, get a burst of healing. 30% hp heal.

|| The spirit is willing to help on demand for a price, the price being a gamble||

Ability 3: A good investment?

Passive skill.

Every time you kill a hero, creep or shooting a soul, you toss a coin and this coins result will be saved
for later when using the ult.

Heroes kills gives you 3 coin tosses.
Creep/souls kills gives you 1 coin toss.

it also gives you a permanent bonus based of the result.

Head: 1% Weapon damage and 1 spirit.
Tails -0.5% weapon damage and -0.5 spirit.

get 0.5 Regen on Head. -0.25 on Tail.
: 0.1 Bullet and Spirit resistance on Head. -0,05 Bullet and Spirit resistance on Tail.
Heads and Tails now give 2x more coins for your 4th ability*.

( *this does not change the amount of stats you get, just affects ability 4)

|| The Spirit greedily needs souls of the living, but even The Spirit has to gamble to get what it wants by having the coins dictate the success of soul eating ||

Ability 4: ALL IN!!

180 sec CD
50 meter Radius
2 sec channel time

Point your bag in a direction and shoot out all the cursed coins you have accumulated
via your 2nd and 3rd skill.

The amount of coins coming out is based of the accumulated amount.

Head: These coins will soft home (you can counter this by getting behind sharp turns so the coins crash into walls) onto random enemy heroes within LoS of the skill when its used and do X (scales with spirit) spirit damage.
Tail: These coins will soft home after Goran and do X ( scales with spirit) Spirit damage to him.

both of these results have have the same X homing duration ( scales with spirit and duration up)

Reduced CD 30 sec.
2: Heads home slightly better.
5: Tail coins on you are now none lethal.

|| Nothing excites Goran and The Spirit more than going ALL IN!!, the sheer rush of their labor is something to behold for better or for worse ||

what do you think? please give constructive feedback.
Check out my new Hero concept!

Revenant the lost soldier: Grom and the Gang: The Shape:
Last edited:
Cleaned up the visuals, Fixed spelling errors, added talents and added current newest hero I made as a link.
Awesome concept. Love the idea of an addict gambler being haunted by a demon. Problem is, balancing around the possibility of either getting a "good" or "bad" effect isn't really possible without implementing some sort of loss prevention at some point, else you'd run into the possibility of a player getting bad effects multiple times in a row or good effect multiple times in a row, and at that point it's not really random anymore. I think a better approach would be treating his skills the same way valve treats other luck based characters, like in dota where Ogre magi's ult doesn't have a chance of critical failure, only critical hit (IE you dont get punished by rolling the dice, you just get either more or at worst, you'll still get the base amount). When it comes to the basic attacks however, I think the bad rolls having the option to knock you back makes them better conceptually (a trade off between dmg and utility, funnily enough like another dota character, Chaos knight) than the second and third skill where you just get screwed if get a bad roll, a trade off between dmg and utility. I think then it also becomes a whole lot easier to balance, the player reaching high highs and low lows during their play session sounds fun on paper, but I doubt folks would enjoy it unless they too are gambling maniacs xd.
its funny you mention Ogre magi ( he is my main in dota 2). this hero did have the mindset of wanting to risk it all and gamble hard. the way i made the 2nd ability is so that atleast early game its going to be kinda risky to use at low health if you are very unlucky and get 3 tails. but making it surprisingly useful later with the 3rd talent heal. and the 3rd ability is very unlikely to screw you over in the long run since you need to get 2 tails to remove 1 head worth of bonuses, since its 50/50 to get heads or tails its more in heads favor in this case because of the values. but thanks for your input!
its funny you mention Ogre magi ( he is my main in dota 2). this hero did have the mindset of wanting to risk it all and gamble hard. the way i made the 2nd ability is so that atleast early game its going to be kinda risky to use at low health if you are very unlucky and get 3 tails. but making it surprisingly useful later with the 3rd talent heal. and the 3rd ability is very unlikely to screw you over in the long run since you need to get 2 tails to remove 1 head worth of bonuses, since its 50/50 to get heads or tails its more in heads favor in this case because of the values. but thanks for your input!
right, but 50/50 doesn't guarantee an equal distribution. Some poor fella could kill 10 creeps in a row and still only get tails, but I get what you're going for.