Hero concept: Dredge


Active member
Introducing the mole who dug too deep


Much like Mo & Krill, Dredge dwells in the underbelly of the city, eternally digging deeper. When the Patron spoke of a certain ritual, Dredge was convinced he'd complete it by digging into the core of the earth. Instead he found an entirely different source of magic. Or perhaps it is the same magic the Patron possess, but Dredge doesn't care, Dredge now knows how to do his own rituals.


Ability 1: Power Drill

Summon a power drill from beneath the ground, slamming into the target and knocking them in whichever way they are facing, damaging them. Can be self cast. Has a 0.5 second delay.

Tier 1: Damage increase
Tier 2: Bonus cast range
Tier 3: Cooldown Reduction

This ability allows you to disposition your enemy but partly on their terms. They will always get knocked in the direction they are facing, which has a few applications, for example when they are shooting at your guardians. The delay for this ability is for waking yourself up with the self-damage it inflicts (See Ability 2). Enemies are not alerted by its arrival, so they cannot react and look off to a desired location before it hits.

Ability 2: Magic Bomb

Throw a bomb to deal damage in an area and sleep enemies or yourself for 3 seconds. Gain stamina and a movement speed bonus for 4 seconds if woken early.
(Damaging sleeping players wakes them up)

Tier 1: Cooldown reduction
Tier 2: +2 sec bonus sleep time
Tier 3: Enemies no longer benefit from early wake up bonusses

This ability has multiple applications. It can be used to setup other abilities, so long your team is quick enough to not wake your target(s) up, but it can also be used on yourself to gain that sweet movement speed buff and extra stamina. That is as long your enemies are too slow to realize you slept yourself.

Ability 3: Handgun

Draw a hidden handgun and quickly blast in a cone, in the pointed direction dealing damage and knocking Dredge back in the process.

Tier 1: Extra damage
Tier 2: Increased self-knockback
Tier 3: Big cooldown reduction

While simple in its description, I think this ability is going to be super important to Dredge. He has a slow weapon and thus needs to keep his opponents at bay. With this ability, he can both damage enemies who get to close and get away from them, so he can position himself to not cause self induced sleep with Magic Bomb.

Ability 4: Ancient Ritual

Burrow into the ground, moving freely and become untargetable and invulnerable for 8 seconds. Mark a location to conjure a spell, thereafter draw a cross into the ground to damage enemies within the marked location. Damage scales with Spirit Power.

Tier 1: Draw a triangle to increase your allies movement speed for 8 seconds (Movement speed scales with Spirit Power)
Tier 2: Draw a circle to heal your allies (Heal scales with Spirit Power)
Tier 3: Draw a pentagram to stun your enemies (Duration scales with Spirit Power)

This ability is in mechanical terms outlandish, but I thought it would be funny if you actually had to draw different symbols to create different effects, with more complex symbols creating more devastating effects. (Such as the ability to stun one or more people at a time).
Here's a sketch of how I imagine it.

But if it isn't possible to implement it in this way, I think picking a symbol while burrowing works just as fine as well.

Weapon: Harpoon Cannon
Damage: 45
Bullets per sec: 1.25
DPS: 56
Ammo: 5

One of the slowest firing weapons and smallest ammo sizes in the game. But its damage is unrivaled. It launches harpoons at your enemies.