[Hero Concept] Clavio: The Manipulator


New member
Weapon: Luger Pistol (ww inspired)
Type: full auto, medium range drop off,
Reload speed: quick/ very fast (Needs a quick reload to synergy with their kit)

Note: Read skill 3 first
Skill 1
- Truth Serum: Empowers the next bullet to be a guaranteed crit and forces the target to walk in the direction it faces for 1-2 secs. Target cannot change direction/look another way, they may dodge but only in the direction of the force walk, Jump disabled, can shoot, can use abilities but not movement abilities.
This skill is the main skill shot that gets amped by skill 3 and can have a similar stun/slow effect to Paradox's skill if used with skill 3 slow burst.

Skill 2 - Parting Gift: Empowers the next dodge to leave behind a bomb effects change depending on Skill 3
Damage Bomb: leaves a highly damaging mine and also causes the skill to inflect self-damage (follows the skill effect of no life steal, etc)
Healing Bomb: Leaves behind a healing bomb. Must be shot to be activated healing allies and enemies with a potent heal. Allies additional receive healing buff as per skill 3
Slowing Bomb: Leaves a miasma bomb that lingers slowing enemies and increasing Clavio's movement speed (more units affected more speed granted)
This skill is the movement skill with a little extra rizz. Can be just a dash instead of empowering the next dodge.

Skill 3 - Experimental Rounds: Change the next magazine/clip to one of the following effects:
Damage Burst: The next magazine does bonus damage but each bullet causes self-damage 1/3 the total damage of each bullet (bonus + base damage) - life steal disabled, able to be mitigated with shields and resistance. The player can die from the effect, but a self-death reduces the bonus damage granted (don't wanna be sniped by the hero with no health with no risk to themselves)
Healing Burst: The next magazine is loaded with bullets that heal the user + amp life steal and amp healing/passive regen for 0.1sec stacking.
Slow Burst(default): The next magazine is loaded with bullets that slow the target stacking slow.
The effect remains until actively changed, so long as damaging rounds are active the reloads will be of the damaging burst type.
This skill is the hero's identity, if the player can switch according to the situation can be impactful, pre-planning or reflexive skills are rewarded.

Skill 4 - JuJu magic: Creates a doll of the target, damage from the doll is done to the target even if the target isn't in the line of sight but is limited by range/radius. Any damage done to the doll by Clavio amplified by 150%, and allies damaged the doll at 50% of their damage. The target can get out of the range ending the skill, or until the doll's hit points are zero. The doll is immune to active and passive item effects however Clavio's skills (Truth Serum and Experimental round affect the target)
This skill is inspired by another game ;)

Additional effects:
The gun magazine changes depending on the Experimental Rounds selected:
High burst has the magazine reload from the bottom, this doesn't get in the way of the crosshair giving the player a clear view.
Healing burst causes the magazine to be loaded from the top disrupting the view and reducing the effective range of the gun.
Slowing burst has the magazine load from the side, view most clear range the same but spread increased/ more random.

Bullets do not change effect until the player reloads the gun, but the player can pre-toggle the mode. (maybe M3 always loads slowing rounds and the skill 2 button toggles between damage and heal rounds)
Depending on balance/implementation, Parting gift may work either based on the bullets currently in the gun or on the selection.

If Deadlock does end up going the route of facets I can see the hero moving toward a more support-heavy role rather than dps.