Hero Concept: Cazadora the Crimson Harvester


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[Hero Concept] Cazadora the Crimson Harvestercazadora-concept.png

Concept: An Aztec themed hero that uses a Winchester repeating rifle. She is designed to whittle down her enemies and make it for them to escape until she can finally execute them. She is a hybrid DPS ganker that can chase targets while providing minor utility and her sprint speed scales with Spirit.

I posted my idea a weeks ago but I have made some changes and added some new art (thank you ramiroRa). Her ult is now less like Mo & Krill’s and now is more like a combination of Mo & Krill’s, Shiv’s and Siphon Bullets.

Overview: Pursues and hunts down enemies.

Cazadora sets traps or roots her enemy and then with speed and ferocity delivers short bursts of damage. When she gets her enemy to low health, she can lock them an enemy as she extracts their life.

Health: 550 // Health Regen: 2

Weapon: Fancy Winchester Repeating Rifle (medium range)

DPS: 60 // Bullet Damage: 15// Reloads bullet by bullet like Abrams

Bullets per second: 4 (Same as Dynamo) // Ammo: 16

Speed: 7.3 m/s // Sprint Speed: 0 m/s+0.03*Sp (Sprint scales with Spirit) // Stamina: 3

1: Swift as the Jaguar: Call upon the agility and ferocity of the jaguar. A spectral jaguar head overlays with her jade jaguar mask and growl. For 6s, Cazadora gains increased Fire Rate, your Sprint Speed is added to your Move Speed, and her bullets and melees deal extra Spirit Damage and reduces healing for 3s.

Buff Duration: 6s// Cooldown: 42s

Spirit damage per bullet and melee: 5+0.3*Sp & -20% Healing Reduction for 3s

Fire Rate: 12%+0.12*Sp

1 AP: -16s CD

2AP: +8% Fire Rate and +15% Melee damage

5 AP: +2s buff duration and -10% Healing Reduction

2: Spectral Bolas: Throws a set of white bolas to root and deal extra damage with their next attack. The target is rooted and marked while rooted for 1.2s. If Cazadora shots or melees the marked target (allies don’t trigger it) then the root ends and they take percent health damage.

Cooldown: 44s // Range: 30m

Root and Mark duration: 1.2s // Marked Damage: 7.5%+0.05*Sp Max Health

1 AP: -10s Cooldown and +0.6s duration

2 AP: +2.5% Max Health damage and silenced while rooted

5 AP: Damage doesn’t break the root

3: Xolo Ward: Create an initially visible ward of a spectral guard dog that arms and goes invisible after 2s. When an enemy comes within 5m of the ward, it explodes and bleeds everyone in its 5m range for 4s. If a hero is hit, they are pinged on the map and revealed on the map for the duration. Any damage the ward takes reveals it for 1 second.

Activation range: 5m // Radius: 5m // Charges: 1

Bleed Duration: 4s // Cooldown: 35s

Health: 200 // Bleed DPS: 20+0.1*Sp // Lifetime: 45+1*Sp

Stamina Recovery: -20%

1 AP: +1 charge and +10 DPS

2 AP: +2s debuff duration and +200 HP

5 AP: -30% Stamina Recovery

4: Sacrifice to the Sun: A spectral heart forms as you hold the target in place, stunning them and dealing damage during the channel as your obsidian dagger plunges into the heart. Cazador steals Max HP and Spirit from the target every 0.2s as Sacrifice stacks. Enemies regain their stolen Health and Spirit when the debuff expires. Permanently steal 2 Sacrifice stacks if the debuffed target dies and lose 2 stacks if you die. If the target goes below a certain Health threshold then they are instantly killed and the duration is shorter if the target is above 50% Health.

Cooldown: 108s // Range: 5m

Above 50% duration: 0.8s // 50% or below duration: 1.6s

Execution Threshold: 90+1.8*Sp

Sacrifice Stack: +18 Max HP & +2 Spirit

18s Stack duration

1 AP: -18s CD

2 AP: +90 Execution Threshold

5 AP: +18 Max HP and +1 Spirit per stack (upgrades prior stacks)​

Lore: Lucia Cortez Mendoza was a trick shooter at a failing carnival. As she walked into her favorite childhood museum and to the Aztec display that always caught her eye and made her feel better. The mask and dagger caught her eye more than ever as a minor Maelstrom flowed around the display. Lucia’s body gained a mind of its own as it smashed and pilfered the display. Then in a blink, Lucia’s hands and the dagger were coated with blood and an ancient sacrificial vessel was now filled with tribute. Her dreamlike shock was only heightened by a voice in her head from her favorite museum display. It called itself the Crimson Harvester, a bloodthirsty servant to Huitzilopochtli (Wheat-See-Low-Poach-Tea-Lee), a sun god of war and sacrifice. It had been asleep for more than 500 years and its master still slept. It explained in the same way, a hummingbird needs nectar to survive Huitzilopochtli needs crimson nectar so he may fight the darkness. That Huitzilopochtli as been asleep too long and must nourished and awakened so that an apocalyptic night shall never happen. Lucia looked in awe as she saw a vision of the sleeping god as a crimson stream flowed onto its lips. Its sleeping countenance giving off an odd aura of warmth and benevolence as the atrocity that her hands had performed seemed less abominable and seeing the glimmering legions of darkness poised to attack made the insane proposition slightly less. The mask slowly influenced her mind. That great sacrifice was needed to prevent an even greater evil and despite the carnage and remorse that more people would be saved than would be die, so says Huitzilopochtli. Lucia left her old life. She wanted everyone who ever knew or loved to never see her again. She would morbidly accept her duty but the thought of them seeing what she had done was too much. She fought for full control over her own body as they made their gruesome way to the heart of the Cursed Apple leaving a breadcrumb trail of bodies. They became an assassin and executor for the Mendoza Syndicate (no relation). Lucia’s old identity is gone. Her name erased so it does not bring her shame to those she loves. She is now “la Cazadora de Corazones”, the hunter of hearts, the Crimson Harvester, the Butcher of Castillo Street, and even after the Mendoza Syndicate dissolved she remains. They fight for the Patrons either to feed Huitzilopochtli the blood he requires in the hopes that the world will not end or for the mask to be removed and all its horrors to be forgotten. It depends on who speaks when their desire is granted.
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