That dude who plays Deadlock
Active member
Ok, so i ordered a tablet to make art(bcs painting using the mouse sucks) and while it arrives i had a few ideas for the Arificers second set of Weapons. Here they are, along with a bit of a changed ult.

When thinking about how you will get all the AP for the upgrades(normal heroes need 32 AP, artificer will need 56 AP for full upgrades on ALL of his abilities) i decided that the best way will just be to increase the ammont of levels he has(levels after 47k souls wont give anything but AP). With how manny effects the hero has now(since i can`t stop adding new things
), he is not ballanced AT ALL. If something like this will ever be added the devs will need to do a lot of fine tuning with each ability.

When thinking about how you will get all the AP for the upgrades(normal heroes need 32 AP, artificer will need 56 AP for full upgrades on ALL of his abilities) i decided that the best way will just be to increase the ammont of levels he has(levels after 47k souls wont give anything but AP). With how manny effects the hero has now(since i can`t stop adding new things