Heavyweight - Anti-jumping item for people who are countered by jumping (Dynamo)


People are increasingly catching on to how Dynamo is countered by pressing the jump button, so I present this niche "let me land one stomp on you please" item that I personally would probably buy (although really I'd prefer if Slowing Hex prevented jumping instead).

To keep it from being mostly better than Knockdown, its cast range needs to be way shorter than 45m. I went with 20m, but it's possible it should be 15m or 10m.

I don't know if I think the pulling-down effect should be continuous over the duration or if it should only apply at the start (like Phantom Strike). The point being that people with non-jump sources of upwards mobility either would or wouldn't be able to use them to go upwards, depending how the item is implemented. Balance-wise I'm fine with them being able to use those mobility sources to dodge stomp, I just want a way to at least make Jump unusable for a few seconds.

Alternately, y'all could make Stomp's hitbox match its visuals (right now it reaaaaally doesn't; you can jump over a Kinetic Pulse with a single jump even though the visuals are clearly much larger than that).
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(or let us cancel Kinetic Pulse during the startup animation so we can at least pump fake people into jumping and THEN kinetic pulse when they land)