Haze ult drops to 1 FPS


This doesn't happen all the time, but occasionally when you ult with Haze the instant you hit the ult key it drops to one FPS and you have no idea what is happening until the ult ends.

I've had friends get the same bug.

I've don't have a recording of it right now but next time it happens I will try and clip it.
+1 had fhis bug when patch first came out whenever bepop hooked me and i ulted. today i got the bug when infernus ulted and i ulted after his ult finished.
happened to me as well. it doesn't happen frequently, but during a match last night it was probably the worst it ever got. spent about 5-6 seconds with a nearly frozen screen in the middle of a teamfight. i did notice that the game started to stutter directly after this happened and i have never gotten stutters before. running an AMD 7800 XT, Ryzen 5 7600 and 32GB of DDR5 RAM
1. Reload ur PC
2. If nVidia go to C:\Users\UR_USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\NVIDIA\PerDriverVersion\DXCache
If AMD go to C:\Users\UR_USERNAME\AppData\Local\AMD\DxCache
3. Delete all files in folder
4. Go to Sandbox and activate Haze ult to cash the effect
5. No FPS drop more
+1 It's happening again after the patch.
I tried repeating lamm's suggestion but the bug persists.
+1 It's happening again after the patch.
I tried repeating lamm's suggestion but the bug persists.
That's just the DX Shader Cache, deleting the contents isn't going to fix the bug.

It's something in the game code that Valve needs to fix.
This appears to happen to me under certain crowd control conditions. Bepop's hook and Abram stuns seem to have a high trigger rate. It may have something to do with the movement applied by their abilities (drag / push) breaking Haze's ult's movement ceiling? I have experienced it being tossed up by Mirage too however.

I have also tried clearing my cache and it did not fix the problem.
I have this but with most abilities in melee range, also when trying to melee. Everyone just tells me to lower my graphics but firstly it doesnt help, the game just looks like shit and still freezes for a second or two in teamfights and secondly this never used to happen. Only strated a few weeks ago and definitely has something to do with abiltiies.