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Basic Attack:
Grey Talon has the slowest but hardest-hitting basic attacks in the game. He shoots arrows with explosive tips that stick to any object in the game. These arrows explode after 3 seconds, dealing small AOE (area of effect) damage.Considerations: This ability might be difficult to balance, as Grey Talon still needs to secure orbs.
Additional Idea: Allow players to manually explode the arrows before the 3-second timer by pressing the right mouse button.
Hunter's Gaze:
Grey Talon focuses on his target, marking it, slowing it, and gaining true vision on it. When attacking the marked target, Grey Talon cripples it, applying stacks of bullet and magic resist reduction, as well as a movement slow. He also gains bonus headshot damage on the target.When used through the Owl, the slowing effect is removed, but Grey Talon also marks nearby enemies.
Considerations: This ability might be tricky to balance due to the number of debuffs, which could make it either overpowered or underwhelming.
Additional Ideas:
- When marked through the Owl, basic attacks could be guided towards marked enemies.
- Chain targeting: Basic attacks could jump between marked enemies.
- Allies could gain increased movement speed when moving towards marked enemies.
Grey Talon sends an Owl into the air, which he can use as a camera to locate targets. The Owl has no duration limit but can be destroyed by minions, heroes, or towers with a single hit. It can zoom in but can't fly very high. The Owl has a maximum range, and it loses signal when entering any buildings (including mid).You can use Hunter's Gaze and Devastating Arrow while controlling the Owl. The Owl's view can be exited and re-entered by pressing "2". After exiting, there's an 8-second cooldown (or another duration you choose) before re-entering is allowed.
If the Owl is destroyed, there is a 2-minute cooldown before it can be used again.
Grey Talon sends an Eagle that he controls. Upon impact, the Eagle causes an AOE slow. On a direct hit, it deals moderate damage and executes enemies below 10% health. The Eagle can be destroyed by enemies. Its flight speed is fixed at medium, and it cannot explode in mid-air. If the Eagle doesn't hit anything, it disappears after 6 seconds.Additional Idea: Add a slight knockback effect on impact, causing disruption and making it more useful in team fights or for controlling areas.
short true vision on enemies hit.
Devastating Arrow:
Grey Talon focuses on the cursor and begins charging up his arrow. After 7 seconds of delay, he releases the arrow, which deals high damage and stuns enemies for 0.5 seconds. The longer the arrow travels, the more damage it deals. Once you start charging, you cannot change the aiming direction. When used in combination with the Owl, the arrow flies upwards and then towards the point the Owl was looking at.Why i changed him. Grey talon seems to be a revenge seeking guy according to his lore, but his kit doesnt represent that. I tried to make something that would emphesise his searching for revenge ahhh theme by focusing on hunting and predator/prey theme.
His original 1 was fine
His 2 was a problem. Its a worth version of vindicta`s flight, making it feel less unique and satisfying. Also him shooting bow shotgun when using it didnt make sense. It doesnt kinda suit him, its just.. flying? he doesnt even have wings or anything bro just levitating. I decided to give him another bird to control because i felt like that waas his unique trait that should be developed
His 3 is a problem. Its not very useful, since it just gives you one arrow if somebody steps in it. It also doesnt feel satisfying to land. I played talon for 60 hours and most of the time i just threw it under peoples legs and hopped they wont move from that place. in late game it either completely useless or just pretty annoying depending on how its used.
His 4 is a problem. The owl either feels too overpowered and unfair since it executes below 20 percent (which is pretty busted) or it feels pretty useless since it has kinda low dmg ? and only can be used to finish enemies. Anyways, i love this abillity but i do think its really toxic, and thats why i moved it to the 3. I removed aoe damage and stun, and just left the execution below 10 percent, making it a tricky skill shot to land.
I wannna hear all ya thoughts! I will also redesign him visually, make a 3d model and plug that in unreal engine. I hope to make a little demo with just these mechanics i described. Thanks for reading!