Glass Smelter or sand telekinisise


New member
Hero ideaGlass worker

He has a massive bullet mag, however the longer he shoots, the slower his firerate becomes until it is empty
However he neutrally gains ammo slowly over time, so if you kept shooting with his gun it'd be like a reverse version of McGinniss gun
and with this slowing down of fire rate, he slowly gains ammunition, letting him get a full mag without reloading if he didnt shoot for lets say, 20 to 40 seconds or so

His 1 could be a javalin throw, the bullets around his arm condensing a part of his ammunition into the item that he can do for spirit damage

his 2.. wip owo

his 3 could be a passive, increasing the regen amount and firerate with of his ammo, letting him shoot for longer and faster times.
His ammo would be some kind of hardened sand right? I like the idea of telekinetic sand. He/She could be of South asian heritage, I think it would be neat.
In order to shoot fast again, does it fire faster for having low bullets and i have to reload, or does simply not firing for a bit to "cool down" the gun make me shoot fast again? The restoring ammo is interesting.
In order to shoot fast again, does it fire faster for having low bullets and i have to reload, or does simply not firing for a bit to "cool down" the gun make me shoot fast again? The restoring ammo is interesting.
Now that i've awoken after making this, I can firmly say it'd be like an overheat mechanic without stopping to cool down, instead just giving less output until you either let it cool off neturally or reload to cool it off
but instead of it being like that, its more straining to infinitely shoot bullets lore wise